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狮子为什么有鬃毛?Why do lions have manes?

她浏览了一下名单。She glanced down the list of manes.

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它们的鬃毛直立起来,在风中就像一面面硬硬的黑色三角旗。Their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind.

即使输了一场辩论,你仍可谩骂对手。If you lose in an argument, you can still call your opponent manes.

这些书在图书馆里是按照作者名字的顺序摆放的。The books are set out according to the writers ' manes in the library.

他把龙命名为塞弗拉,很快他的生活便与这个神奇的生物分不开了。He manes the dragon Saphira and quickly bonds with the amazing creature.

聪明点还是用锄草机剪他这一头鬃毛吧,别用剪刀了。It's advisable to use a lawn mower instead of scissors to cut his manes.

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狮子的鬃毛颜色从金黄色到黑色不等,而且长度可以达到一英尺。Lions' manes vary from light blond to black and can be up to a foot long.

他们拥有巨大的鹿角和树叶状的灵魂围绕在身后。They have enormous antlers and manes of leaves that flow down their backs.

有人认为这些辫子是小偷为日后行窃编的。Some people thought thieves were plaiting the manes of horses they wished to steal.

公兽和母兽是很容易区分的,因为公兽长着像鬃毛一样的肉钉。They are easily distinguished since the males have fleshy spikes emerging from their manes.

对简易式电荷放大器和模拟扫描器的原理也作了扼要介绍。It also manes a brief introduction of the principle of the simple charge amplifier and the analogue scanner.

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电视节目上尽是体魄强健,肤色无暇,头发浓密的年轻明星。Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair.

瓦斯特制作了几对鬃毛长短不同的狮子模型,来观察野生狮子到底会接近哪一对。West set up pairs of model lions with short and long manes and watched to see which ones wild lions would approach.

生物学家认为的原因之一,雄性狮子进化是令人印象深刻的鬃毛提供颈部保护当打架的时候。Biologists think one of the reasons males evolved their impressive manes was to provide neck protection during fights.

藏獒看起来像狮子,成为了富有的爱狗人士的地位象征。Mastiffs with their round manes have a resemblance with lions, and have become a status symbol for wealthy dog lovers.

斯诺鲍也把绶带扔到大火里,那是平时到集市上装饰尾巴用的。Snowball also threw onto the fire the ribbons with which the horses’ manes and tails had usually been decorated on market days.

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多年来德黑兰街头遍布着用刘海和发胶变花样的的年轻人。For years the streets of Tehran have been filled with young men making exuberant experiments with quiffs and stiffly gelled manes.

有时候,雌性幼狮会成为其兄弟幼狮的牺牲品被养殖人员淘汰,因为狩猎者会因为雄狮漂亮的鬃毛而更喜欢猎杀雄狮。Sometimes female cubs are culled at the expense of their male siblings, as hunters prefer to kill males because of their impressive manes.

尽管狮鬃水母一般生活在更北的地方,但今年夏天,在福尔摩斯的老家英格兰的沙滩上,也报道过这种巨型水母的光临。Although the lion’s manes are often found farther north, the giant jellies are reportedly gracing the shores of Holmes’ native England this summer.