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很好的逻辑嘛。Great logic from a spud.

我们开钻的时间到了。It's time for us to spud in.

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请准备开钻吧!Get ready to spud in, please!

请准备开钻吧!Get ready to spud in, pleottom!

我希望我们来日诰日能开钻。I hoped that we should spud in tomorrow.

我知道,我们不会马上开钻。I knew that we should not spud in at once.

准备测探板和钢丝绳测量水深。Prepare spud plate and wire-line to check water depth.

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美国最受欢迎的马铃薯含有高农药残留量。America\'s popular spud ranks high for pesticide residue.

我叫斯普德,山姆斯普德。有天晚上我工作到很晚。The name is Spud, Sam Spud. I was working late one night.

开钻前应配好至少200方高粘度稠泥浆。Must prepare at least 200 cubic meter's slurry before spud.

现代世界的存在要归功于微不足道的马铃薯?Does the modern world owe its very existence to the humble spud?

这是一种营养的马铃薯富含维生素A和维生素C。This is one nutritious spud as it is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C.

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打完单根划眼一次,直到打完一开。Do a dummy trip after single joint drilling until the first spud in finished.

现在,半熟土豆侦探山姆斯普德的冒险故事又要开始了。And now, once again, its time for the adventures of Sam Spud Par-Boiled Potato Detective.

每个周日下午你会发现我是个真正的“沙发马铃薯”,看重放的老电影。On any Sunday afternoon you will find me being a real sofa spud watching old re-run movies.

星期天做电视虫最好不过了。我只起来去拿另一杯可乐或者多拿点垃圾食品。Sundays are best spent as a sofa spud. I only get up to get another glass of Coke or more junk food.

据悉,种出这个巨大土豆的农场曾在2006年以色列与黎巴嫩什叶派真主党的冲突中遭受重创。The enormous spud was grown on a farm, which took a pounding in 2006 during the war between Israel and the Lebanon's Shiite Hezbollah movement.

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现在他在切尔西成了边缘人,比赛中表现出色但也受伤过多,这也就不奇怪他为什么无法在队中获得稳定的主力位置了。Now Duffer may be a spud chewing, working class hero but he is also injured a lot so it's not surprising that he doesn't get a consistent run in the Chelsea team.

我们斯文地绕过土豆地,在远侧几个中心旋转系统圈之间找到它的踪迹,那里盛开着繁茂的亮黄色油菜花。We politely circumvented the spud field and picked up her track on the far side, between several more center-pivot circles, blooming bright yellow and rank with canola.

他坐在阳光里,和带著一个麻袋、一个挖掘用的小锄头和一些捕鼹鼠器穿过树林而来的汤米獾热诚地交谈。He sat in the sun, and conversed cordially with Tommy Brock, who was passing through the wood with a sack and a little spud which he used for digging, and some mole traps.