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那么,你认为俄罗斯的反映是否足够并且适当?Do you think the Russian reaction was adequate and proportionate?

随你便了,“合理适度”又是大不列颠的老一套了。So there you go. "Appropriate and proportionate", as is the British way.

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费拉犬的头很大很有质量,但会与其身体成比例。The Fila 's head is heavy and massive, always proportionate to the body.

“自我治愈”法术现在需要更多的时间相称,你最大的健康。"Heal-Self" Spell now takes more time proportionate to what your Maximum Health is.

每交付一艘深舱货轮,银行保函金额应按比例减少。Proportionate reductions of the Bank Guarantee will be made on delivery of each DHCS.

放弃一些搜索流量,是否就意味着放弃与之相应的广告收益数呢?Would giving up some search traffic mean giving up a proportionate amount of ad revenue?

我好奇震动的力量是否会和这个单词赚的分数成比例。I wonder if the strength of the quake will be proportionate to how many points it scored.

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如果灵魂的生长发育不相称的话,那么,扩张的物质力量就会带来扩大化的危险。Enlarged material powers spell enlarged peril if there is not proportionate growth of the soul.

母狗肩高约27英寸、体重在80磅到120磅之间,比例匀称,结构合理。Bitches should be from 27 inches, weighing from 80 to 120 pounds, proportionate to size and structure.

公狗的肩高在29英寸、体重在110磅到150磅之间,比例匀称,结构合理。Dogs should be from 29 inches and weighing from 110 to 150 pounds proportionate to size and structure.

为了结束波斯尼亚,西方放弃了不偏不倚的立场,摈弃了均衡反应的主张。To end the war in Bosnia, the West abandoned impartiality and junked the idea of proportionate response.

在这张地图中,每个国家的土地面积大小的比例与占全球人口的比例相匹配。The land area of each country is sized to be proportionate that country's share of the global population.

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怎么找?后颈部,背面骨下,两笔大筋外缘陷窝中,相称于耳垂齐平。How to find? The back of the neck, back bone, two big band edge lacunae, proportionate to the earlobe Qi ping.

用于编写回滚脚本的时间应该与部署失败付出的代价成比例。The time you invest in writing rollback scripts should be proportionate to the cost of the deployment failure.

因此,婴儿死亡率的逐渐降低导致大脑容量成比例的减少。Therefore a gradually decreasing infant mortality rate has led to a proportionate decrease in the size of our brains.

这种房地产市场意味着卖房子的人很少,待售房源也少,而相对而言买房的人却很多。This is a real estate market populated by fewer sellers, fewer homes for sale and a larger, proportionate share of buyers.

你取得的每个或大或小的成就都该获得相应的回报,也许放一天假或者奖励块蛋糕。Each little or big goal you accomplish should be rewarded with a proportionate treat, maybe a day off or a big slice of cake.

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所以,鉴于国际社会没有作出任何行动,俄罗斯的行动在场合和程度上,都是合适的。Therefore, in the context of the international community’s failure to act, Russia’s reaction was appropriate and proportionate.

我们共有权的比例应相当于该附属品相对于新产品整体价值的比例。Our co-ownership share shall be equal to the proportionate value of the Accessories compared to the overall value of the new item.

几乎在所有时代,一个社会的成功取决于它能否将大型规范机构整合到一起。For nearly all of history the success of a society was proportionate to its ability to assemble large and disciplined organizations.