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使用一个社会法令哲学来进行学习和开发。Learning and development are guided using a social constructionist philosophy.

社会建构论心理学因此主张,嫉妒是由特定的社会情境所引发的。So the social constructionist psychology insists that the envy is aroused by the social circumstances.

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社会建构论心理学从新的角度考察了情绪,并提出了以下观点。The social constructionist psychology censors the emotions from a new point of view, and brings forward following viewpoints.

社会建构论心理学是社会建构论作为一种新的社会科学研究范式在心理学中的应用。The social constructionist psychology is an application of the social constructionism in psychology as a new social science study pattern.

文化建构主义心理学作为后现代文化思潮的产物及组成部分,实现了心理学中的文化意识的衍变。Cultural constructionist psychology as the outcome and part of postmodern cultural thoughts, has developed the cultural ideology in psychology.

那个头脑冷静、善于布局的人,不一定也能写出生动的角色,尖锐的对白,掌握步步加紧的节奏,恰到好处地利用所观察到的细节。The cool-headed constructionist does not also come across with lively characters , sharp dialogue, a sense of pace and an acute use of observed detail.

本文试图从社会建构论的角度,通过对族群和由族群派生出的权利概念进行重新定义,以期填补这一空白。This paper will try to fill that gap by redefining ethnicity and the notion of rights derived from ethnicity from a social constructionist perspective.

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关于文本阅读中信息整合方式的问题,当前的理论主要有最低限度假设、基于记忆的文本加工观、建构主义理论等。On the issue of information integration in text-reading, there are minimalist hypothesis theory, memory-based text processing view and constructionist theory.

建构主义思想将在今后一个较长时期内对我国的中学数学教育产生重大影响,也将深刻地影响计算机辅助中学数学教育。The idea of Constructionist will place a great effect on middle school mathematical education as well as computer-aid mathematical education in a long length.

但本文是关注于面向行动者,基于过程和社会构建学分析为理论和方法基础。This dissertation however focuses on the theoretical and methodological foundations of an actor-oriented, process-based and social constructionist form of analysis.

联结主义和行为范式认知心理学继承和发展科学主义心理学的基本原则,而建构主义认知心理学则汲取了后现代思想。Connectionist and behaviorist cognitive psychology succeed and advance the fundamental principles of scientism, while constructionist cognitive psychology absorbs the ideas of post-modernism.