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“那他们就不再是吉库尤人了。”我依旧平静地回答。"Then they are no longer Kikuyu, " I said placidly.

我提了很多问题,她温和地一一回答。I put the questions, and she answered them placidly.

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那他们就不再是吉库尤人了。Then they are no longer Kikuyu, " I said placidly ."

然后它们平静地进食和喂食。Placidly they continued their eating and feeding routine.

那棵菱角就又安安稳稳浮在水面上生长去了。The water chestnut floated placidly there, where it would grow.

生活如水般波澜不惊,平平淡淡,缓缓地流过男人的额头和女人的眼角。Life is flowing placidly across the forehead of men and canthus of women.

双皮带运膜,快速平稳,摩擦小,损耗少。Single-belt transportation, placidly and quickly , small friction, little waste.

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可是约翰在地板上仍旧安安稳稳地睡下去,她也就由他睡在那儿。However, John continued to sleep so placidly on the floor that she allowed him to remain there.

今后要继续保持国民经济平稳较快发展,必须保持股市的稳定健康发展。If we want to keep on developing rapidly, we must the keep the placidly improve of the stock market.

“我知道你会那么说,但是你错了,”苏珊平静地说,“我一直把阿尔法当成自己的儿子一样对待。"I knew you would say that, but you're wrong, " Susan said placidly , "I always treat as my own son.

老头平静的看看这个人,又看看那个人,过了一阵他突然用那种老朽的声音开始说话。The old man looked placidly from one to the other for a moment, and then suddenly spoke in a cracked and ancient voice.

仿真和实验结果均证明,采用本文提出的可拓控制后,助卷辊能够更快速、平稳地实现自动台阶回避。Results of simulation and experiment prove that after we use the composite control method, unit roller can evite the step faster and more placidly.

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青少年很少会被描述为性情稳定,因此当他们的迅速变化的大脑内部有种不变的现象时,就引起了神经系统科学家的注意。Teens are rarely described as stable, so when something about their rapidly changing brains remains placidly unaltered, neuroscientists take notice.

在一个僻静的花园中,有一株美丽芬芳的紫罗兰,她在花从中摇曳着,和朋友们过着宁静的生活。There was a beautiful and fragrant violet that lived placidly amongst her friends, and swayed happily amidst the other flowers in a solitary garden.

从理论上说三螺杆泵具有转动平稳、液体脉动小、寿命长等特点,受到了越来越多的关注。Theoretically, the three screws pump received more and more attention for smooth and placidly rotating, little liquid fluctuation and large longevity.

倒顺送料针距可调,结构新超,保证了倒、顺缝纫线迹的一致性和运转的平稳性。We can adjust the needle distance for forward and reverse stitch, based on new design, to guarantee to sew forward and reverse stitch smoothly and placidly.

果然,寨子外面有两个人,其中一个挥舞着一块白布,而另外一个,丝毫不差,正是西尔弗本人,正不动声色地站在一边。SURE enough, there were two men just outside the stockade, one of them waving a white cloth, the other, no less a person than Silver himself, standing placidly by.

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它不但可以指导投资者的投资策略,还可以对基金经理和基金管理公司的行为产生重要影响,促进基金业的健康平稳发展。It is not only a guidance for fund investors , but also can influence the behavior of funds managers , promoting the funds industry to develop healthily and placidly.

在表铜花盆里静静地生长著的硕大的棕榈树,环绕著一延用雪花石膏制作的仙女喷泉,装饰著宝石的花坛和花朵争厅斗艳。Huge palms grew placidly in bronze vessels framing a fountain of alabaster nymphs while flower boxes , encrusted with gems , competed with their contents tor attention.

试验结果表明,火箭橇发射顺利,运行平稳,测试结果与理论计算值符合得较好。Experimental results indicate that the sleds launch successfully, move placidly and the measure value of velocity accord with the theoretic one well, which enable us to carry the sled test primarily.