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别叫我兰缇。Don’t call me Lentil.

莉莉给小勒提舀了点扁豆汤。Lily ladles little Letty's lentil soup.

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他和兰缇互吻脸颊致意。He and Lentil kiss each other on the cheek.

警卫看见了你和兰缇一起,上到顶楼。The guards saw you with Lentil. Up at the penthouse.

于是雅各将饼和红豆汤给了以扫,以扫吃了喝了,便起来走了。Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew.

巴西人也在新的一年里开始扁豆和大米或扁豆炖肉好食材!Brazilians start their year with lentils and rice or lentil stew.

一个穿制服的警卫打开车门,兰缇下车,你也下车。A uniformed guard opens the door, and Lentil gets out. You get out.

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这个桌子后面的男人,他望着你,但只是对兰缇讲话。The man behind the desk, he looks at you, but talks only to Lentil.

卫兵给我们端来一大盘子扁豆焖饭。Guards brought uss large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.

这次没有条子,只有放在门口台阶上的一暖瓶小扁豆汤。This time, there was no note, only a thermos flask of lentil soup on the doorstep.

兰缇咬着下唇,看着你,说道,“所以说——你还是个足疗师?”Lentil chews her bottom lip, looking at you, and she says, “So—you’re still into reflexology?”

豌豆酱在印度被称为“dal”,人们经常在吃早饭的时候拿它就着面包和新鲜水果吃。Lentil sauces, called “dal”, are eaten along with fresh fruit and bread for breakfast in India.

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有多少人知道”镜片”是来自于拉丁语中的”小扁豆”还有在古挪威语中”窗户”其实是指”风眼”呢?Or "lens" which comes from the Latin " lentil " or "window" meaning "eye of wind" in old Norse?

于是雅各将饼和红豆汤给了以扫、以扫吃了喝了、便起来走了。Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left.

如何砍在这个自由素食视频制作自己的食谱扁豆扁豆汤汤料芹菜。How to chop celery for lentil soup stock in this free vegetarian video on making your own lentil soup recipe.

类似含有色氨酸的食物有脱脂希腊酸奶、扁豆汤、鲜葵花籽和火鸡肉。Other foods high in tryptophan include non-fat Greek-style yogurts, lentil soup, raw sunflower seeds and turkey.

但在百合的初期生长抑制以及兵豆的生长促进和产量增加上都表现出了重离子辐射生物中很常见的“马鞍”形曲线。But the inhibiting effects in Sorbonne growth and the enhancements of lentil yields showed the same"up-and-down"trend.

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了解如何剥洋葱,切粒,使在这个自由素食扁豆汤对影片制作自己的扁豆汤食谱。Learn how to peel and dice onions to make lentil soup in this free vegetarian video on making your own lentil soup recipe.

端着一匙香甜的迷迭香扁豆汤和羊乳酪送到沾着红酒的口边,突然我停下了。I suddenly stopped short of putting a luscious spoonful of rosemary lentil soup with feta cheese in my red wine-stained mouth.

听听那个本地土包子唱的岳得尔调。2。莉莉替小历蒂盛小扁豆汤。3。小迈克像泰克一样把自行车扔在思柏德家。Listen to the local yokel yodel. 2. Lily ladles little Letty's lentil soup. 3. Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike's.