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子叶节区—根过渡区极短。N. Z. -root transitional region is very short.

到目前为止,我们还没有发现鲸的过渡形式。So far these transitional forms have not been found.

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还有几种其他的过渡状态和错误状态。There are also several other transitional and error states.

过渡乐节用来联系两个主题或乐章。A transitional passage connecting two subjects or movements.

人乳分初乳、过渡乳和成熟乳。Sub-human milk colostrum, transitional milk and mature milk.

这些国家中71个是发展中国家或转型期国家。Of these, 71 are either developing or transitional countries.

汉隶是篆字和楷书的过渡。Han script is a transitional form from seal to regular script.

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其中71个是发展中国家或转型期国家。Among them, 71 are either developing or transitional countries.

这32个国家全部都是发展中国家或转型期国家。All these 32 countries are developing or transitional countries.

这个MODL代表了这批个案的过渡安排。This MODL represents a transitional arrangement for that caseload.

植入植体后的立即功能性临时牙。Transitional functioning teeth immediately after implant placement.

油、气、水的鸿沟能够是骤变的,也能够是骤变的。Boundaries between oil, gas, and water may be sharp or transitional.

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我国目前正处在刑诉法的转型时期。Our country is in transitional period of criminal procedure law now.

13世纪是拜占廷社会的一个转折时期。The 11-13th century was one transitional period of Byzantine society.

我们将这些现象看作是俄语句法体系中的繁化现象。We define them as transitional phenomena in Russian syntactic system.

明清时期,是白族文化发生重大转型的关键时期。The Ming-Qing Period is a critical transitional period of Bai culture.

唐朝对法医学来说,是一个承前启后的时代。The transitional period of Chinese forensic medicine is in Tang Dynasty.

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请记住每一个转折复句的精确结构。Know and memorize the precise construction of each transitional sentence.

好象5回合移行换位一次,需要开火眼杀。Round 5 transposition seems transitional time required to kill fire eyes.

然后它会变成蛹,这是一个短暂的不进食过渡状态。Then there's Pupa, which is just a quick, non-feeding transitional phase.