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现在,我们遇到了一个有分歧的话题。Now we come to a point of divergence.

那么散度定理究竟讲的是什么?So, what does the divergence theorem say?

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但是,这样一种分歧可能如何产生呢?But how might such a divergence come about?

达尔文把这个称为性状趋异原理。Darwin called this the principle of divergence.

我们想求出它的散度。So, now, we want to take the divergence of this.

讨论了数据出现分岐的原因。The cause of data divergence was also discussed.

这个函数正是F的散度。And that function is called the divergence of F dA.

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我想您可能会喜欢三岔口。它很受欢迎。I think you might like Divergence. It's very popular.

并证明该电场是有源有旋场。This field is proved to have both divergence and curl.

高辐射功率的光束会有高的发散度。A beam of high radiant power will have high divergence.

分化论阵营的论据似乎更有说服力。The divergence camp seems to have the better arguments.

柱面扩散使波的能量与传播距离成反比。Cylindrical divergence decreases energy with the distance.

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那部分是数学的东西,即散度定理。At that part is actually math, namely, the divergence theorem.

这种背离在图表上通常会产生锯齿。This divergence generates most of the whipsaw in a price chart.

经重整化处理后,发散困难得以解决。After re-processing, the divergence difficulties could be overcome.

据此,利用渡越辐射测量了强流脉冲束的剖面、能量、发散角。With OTR method, the beam profile, energy, divergence are measured.

他们是共识驱动的,并求同存异。They are consensus-driven, with full divergence and then convergence.

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球面扩散使波的能量与传播距离的平方成反比。Spherical divergence decreases energy with the square of the distance.

为减轻预测器的发散性,对初始状态进行估计。To alleviate divergence of the predictor, initial states is estimated.

答案是,散度是用来度量物体的发散程度。Well, the answer is divergence measures how much things are diverging.