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我们建筑了伟大的楼台。We the great gazebo built.

我们建筑了伟大的楼台“We the great gazebo built."

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在城镇的凉亭里呆呆的看着它。Gawk at it in the town gazebo.

在他们身后,凉亭已经闪起了火光。Behind them the summerhouse and gazebo were already ablaze.

从超大的游泳池,庭院和凉亭,你可以享受华丽的景色!From the over-sized pool, patio and gazebo you can enjoy the gorgeous views!

阿砌石墙基给出了凉亭稳固的正式出台,例如。A masonry base wall gives a gazebo a solidly formal appearance, for instance.

最后,把买房时赠予的大露台建成一个聚会场所。Finally, build the big gazebo that when buying a house, gives room of a party.

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不一会,我们的饭菜也来了。我们换到附近的一个凉亭里,并请刚认识的朋友过来一起享用。Our food arrived and we took over a nearby gazebo and invited our new friends to join us.

牧师站在凉亭里面,凉亭用美丽的粉红色和白色的花朵装饰。The preacher was standing inside the gazebo adorned with beautiful pink and white flowers.

其实这里是给女主人开辟的一个地方,外面衔接小小的狭长露台。Actually here is a place that gives goodwife start, small long and narrow gazebo joins outside.

酒店内的每栋柚木别墅都有管家服务、一个私人泳池和一个观景亭。Each of its teak-paneled villas comes with butler service, a private infinity pool and a gazebo.

顶上是怡人的中式露台,饰以南瓜和壁虎的图案。P264 crowned by a Chinese gazebo with a delightful ornamental pumpkin and geckos in the ceiling.

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能有个露台挺让人羡慕的,但要成了藏旧东西的地方就太可惜了。Can a gazebo holds out envy letting a person, but the place that wanted to hide old stuff too regrettablly.

从装饰性的大门进入豪宅,沿着一条蜿蜒的车道前行,经过一个带有观球台和儿童游戏室的网球场。A decorative gate yields to a winding road that passes a tennis court with viewing gazebo and small playhouse.

读书累时,到露台上走走,生活的舒服,会让人忘却身处炎热的夏季。Read tired when, go to gazebo , of the life satisfied, can let a person forget a body to be in burning hot summer.

你得花上好几天的时间来修剪玫瑰,这样才能使之给观者留下怡人之感,仿若这些玫瑰是在露台闲庭信步一般优雅。It takes days to train the rose to give an impression of nonchalant grace as it rambles so elegantly over the gazebo.

你能够沿着带刺柏属树木或丛林的车道排成行,放大露台和平的计划外面圣诞节和万圣节前夕装饰。You can line the driveway with junipers , enlarge the gazebo and even plan outdoor Christmasand Halloween decorations.

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我们谈到了庭院里的喷水池、露亭、小运河以及篱笆迷宫,所有的都将被完整呈现。We talked about the fountain in the courtyard, the gazebo , the little canal and the hedge maze, all which would be retained.

跨线桥结构由古铜被做,有绿色古色并且它的形式是一点象眺望台、怪异建筑物或藤架。The structure of flyover is made from bronze which has a green patina and its form is a little like a gazebo folly or pergola.

阳台、露台、平台成为人们接触外界的通道,并与开放式的起居室连接。The balcony, gazebo , platform becomes people to contact the passageway of the outside, join with the living room of open mode.