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展示1865年不列颠所始用的手动印刷机。Display the original Albion hand press used in 1865.

法国人则认为他们是背信弃义的英国佬From the French point of view, it's the perfidious Albion already there.

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贝尔巴托夫在10月份以4-0大胜西布罗姆维奇队比赛中为鲁尼创造了一个机会。Berbatov created one for Rooney in a 4-0 rout of West Bromwich Albion in October.

野心勃勃的西布朗将有可能爬至第三,如果热刺失手于埃弗顿。High-flying West Bromwich Albion could go third if Spurs slip up against Everton.

昨天,利物浦2-0战胜了垫底的西布朗,使得该球队注定降级。Liverpool won 2-0 at bottom club Albion yesterday to relegate Tony Mowbray's side.

若有某个强国能够统合全欧资源,便能轻易粉碎不列颠人的迷梦。A nation that can unite the resources of Europe will surely crush the dream of Albion.

随后他在纽卡3-2险胜西布朗的比赛之前就病倒了,此后便再也没有回到主教练的位置。Was taken ill before his side's 3-2 win over West Bromwich Albion and never returned to work.

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法国的教训最为明显,苏伊士运河危机表明,他们再也不能倚赖背信弃义的英国。The French drew the clearest lessons. Suez showed that they could never rely on perfide Albion.

1937年,一座训练专业圣诞老人的学院甚合适宜地在纽约阿尔比恩成立。Fittingly the first school to train professional Santas was established in Albion N. Y. in 1937.

我们需要从西布朗身上全取三分以保持对其他球队的压力。We need three points from our next game at West Bromwich Albion to put pressure on the other teams.

值得注重的是,西布朗雪藏三名主力为周六主场对伯明翰的比赛做预备。Remarkably, Albion leave out three top players to rest them for their home game with Birmingham on Saturday.

托尼。莫布雷被授予冠军联赛年度最佳经理,他带领西布朗维奇赢得冠军。Tony Mowbray was named the Coca-Cola Championship manager of the year for leading West Bromwich Albion to the title.

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利村中场斯皮灵说大家已经准备好了在本周末迎战霍奇森执教的西布朗姆维奇了。Liverpool midfielder Jay Spearing says the players are ready to face Roy Hodgson's West Bromwich Albion this weekend.

锤子的老板比利•大卫斯上赛季通过英冠季后赛在温布利打败西布罗姆维奇带队晋级超级联赛。Rams boss billy davies got derby promotion last season via the play-offs when they beat west bromwich albion at wembley.

在闷平桑德兰以及2-2踢和西布隆之后,这是他们英超三连平。It was their third consecutive league draw, following a stalemate with Sunderland and a 2-2 against West Bromwich Albion.

阿格在红军上周末对阵西布朗的比赛中受伤退场,而他的受伤,将使他起码离开赛场两个月。Agger limped out of the Reds' clash at West Bromwich Albion at the weekend and has been ruled out of action for at least two months.

只有奥德文吉心里才清楚为什么下半场他能踢出那样糟糕的点球,直接导致了西布朗丢失2-1领先的机会。And only Peter Odemwingie will know how he managed to make such a mess of a second-half spot-kick that would have given Albion a 2-1 lead.

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鲍尔森的英超首秀是在利物浦1-0战胜西布朗的比赛中。现在他已经准备好要展现自己的最好状态。Poulsen made his Barclays Premier League debut during the 1-0 win over West Bromwich Albion and feels he is now ready to show his best form.

铁锤还在回味周一1-0力克布莱顿的比赛,法耶成功阻止了海鸥的进攻火力。The Hammers were resolute at the back in Monday's 1-0 win against Brighton &Hove Albion with Faye helping see off the Seagulls' strike-force.

马雷斯卡的职业生涯起步于米兰青年队,在2000年转会尤文图斯之前,他在西布罗姆维奇队度过了首个完整的赛季。Having started his career in Milan's youth side, Maresca made his full senior debut for West Bromwich Albion before returning to Juventus in 2000.