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在西方,这种压力导致离婚率和私生子女比例的上升。In the West the upshot has been divorce and illegitimacy.

亚洲大部分,结婚是广为人知的,但私生子的情况却是寥寥无几的。In most of Asia, marriage is widespread and illegitimacy almost unknown.

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私生子女已不像过去那样见不得人了。There is less stigma attached to illegitimacy now than there used to be.

行为具有有体性、有意性、有害性和违法性四个特征。Act has four characters of corporeality, intention, harmfulness and illegitimacy.

签约主题不得具有非法性或违反公共准则。Contractual subject shall not bear illegitimacy or violate public code of conduct.

文章最后还初步探讨了经济犯罪违法性认定的方法。At last, it expands on the approaches of determining illegitimacy of economic crimes.

当恩格斯临终时告诉她私生子的丑闻时,她崩溃了。She was shattered when she heard about the scandal of illegitimacy from Engels on his deathbed.

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老人将男孩当作新骨肉一样疼爱,不像家里的其他人,他不理会劳埃德是私生子的事。The old man had loved the boy as his own, and unlike the rest of the family, overlooked Lloyd's illegitimacy.

伴随着黑人家庭结构解体的是非婚生率的惊人增长。Coupled with dramatic breakdown in the black family structure has been an astonishing growth in the rate of illegitimacy.

虽然法律尚未承认其合法性,但目前虚拟财产交易事实上已经形成了一条“灰色”产业链。The virtual property"s trading has already become a "gray" industry chain currently in fact, although its illegitimacy in law.

但是大多数国家都不希望其文化受到同样影响了西方的一些社会趋势污染,例如离婚,未婚生子等等。Most say they want to keep their cultures unsullied by the social trends—divorce, illegitimacy and so on—that also affected the West.

黑人的失业率仍几乎是白人的两倍,黑人的贫困、被监禁和违法情况也高于白人。Black unemployment rates remain almost twice that of whites, and black rates of poverty, incarceration and illegitimacy are higher as well.

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由于改变不合理的社会现实是一个漫长的过程,引导大学生走出就业观的误区必须持续努力,常抓不懈。Changing illegitimacy in our society is a long time, so guiding university students to form a legal concept of employment need a long time too.

他控告联邦检查官是“为获胜不择手段”,同时他还暗指在华盛顿对他进行审判更是不合法的。He accused federal prosecutors of being "willing to do anything to win" and he implied that holding his trial in Washington added to its illegitimacy.

在这一争论过程中,“客观的违法性论”逐渐占据支配地位,并对德日犯罪论体系的建构产生了深远影响。Objective illegitimacy gradually prevailed during the course and influenced the structure of the criminal Illegitimacy of continental Law system deeply.

我国的犯罪构成理论应改造为“构成要件该当性-违法性-有责性”的三阶层体系。Therefore, the theory of crime composition should be reformed as three-level system of "deserved constitutional elements, illegitimacy and imputability".

惟其充分性而非必要性,对文明的书写只能是一种审美神话的寓言。这是神话创作的非法性。It isn't its necessity but its sufficiency that formed an allegory of aesthetic myth for civilization recording, which is the illegitimacy of work on myth.

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社交媒体上充斥着克里姆林宫资助的煽动性帖子,对美国选举程序的不合理进行痛斥,还警告称可能会出现暴力。Social media is flooded by Kremlin-funded trolls ranting about the illegitimacy of the American election process and warning of the potential for violence.

确实,黑人之间的非婚生率介于70%左右,而早在40年代它也没能超过13%或12%,就是这样。And indeed the illegitimacy rate among blacks is somewhere around 70 percent and back in the ’40s it couldn’t have been more than 13 or 12 percent, something like that.

最后,文章对行为违法性是否是承担环境侵权民事责任的必要要件进行了探讨。At last the author discussed the standpoint that illegitimacy of action should not be considered as an essential element for the liability of environmental infringement.