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稳态是什么样子了HRV分析。What Homeostasis looks like on an HRV analysis.

体内脂质代谢的稳定依赖于SREBP的调节。So SREBPs are involved in the regulation of lipid homeostasis.

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哭为整个机体起着体内平衡的功能。Crying serves a homeostasis function for the organism as a whole.

对体内平衡的任何干扰都可能损害机体。Any interference with homeostasis is like to be damaging to the organism.

胰岛素抵抗性是透过体内平衡模式评估来计算。Insulin resistance was calculated using the homeostasis model assessment.

对体内均衡的任何滋扰都有可能损害人的有机体。Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism.

对体内平衡的任何干扰都有可能损害人体的有机体。Any interference with homeostasis is likely to be damaging to the organism.

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运动训练的平台期对应于运动员的内稳态。Sports training platform for the corresponding period in athletes homeostasis.

它的工作就是在你遭遇突发事件后把你的身体带回到自动动态平衡的状态下。Its job is to try to bring your body’s systems back to homeostasis after an event.

接下来,Fu和她的同事希望发现其他与睡眠自我调节有关的基因。Next, Fu and her colleagues hope to find other genes related to sleep homeostasis.

其目的是为了保护内部体内平衡保持情绪平衡。The goal is to maintain emotional balance in order to protect internal homeostasis.

通过一些或复杂或简单的机制,使内稳态得以实现So homeostasis is enabled by sometimes complex, sometimes very simple control mechanisms.

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快速,简便,非创伤性获得动态平衡,可以取得的感官共鸣。Quick, easy, and non-traumatic access to Homeostasis can be achieved by Sensory Resonance.

而进食过后,饥饿这种内驱力便消退了,我们的身体也重新回归内部平衡状态。After eating, the strength of the hunger drive is reduced, returning the body to homeostasis.

目的研究外沟上皮细胞对维持耳蜗内淋巴环境稳态的作用。Objective To investigate the role of outer sulcus epithelium cells to the endolymph homeostasis.

所有的抗肿瘤物理化学方法主要集中于改变氧,自由基的动态平衡。All anti-tumor physical-chemical methods are focused on changing oxygen, free-radical homeostasis.

该研究进一步证实了CYP18A1基因与昆虫体内蜕皮激素代谢平衡相关联。This further suggests orthologous CYP18A1 gene in insects is closely related to ecdysteroid homeostasis.

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当你减少体重后,你的身体却要保持内环境恒定,这样肥胖细胞就会再一次增长。When you lose some weight your body wants to maintain homeostasis and the fats cells want to grow again.

钠、钾和氯与磷酸盐、碳酸氢盐在一起,起着维持体内稳衡的作用。Sodium, potassium and chloride, along with phosphates and bicarbonates, function to maintain homeostasis.

胎盘和胎膜是维持母胎液体平衡的重要器官。The placenta and fetal membranes are important organs that maintain the Maternal-fetal fluid homeostasis.