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巴黎有许许多多的历史文物。Paris abounds in historical relics.

南沟屯村正好建于这个遗址上。Nan gou village just build on the relics.

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农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。Farmers occasionally plow up landman relics.

保护文物古迹。Protect historical sites and cultural relics.

看这些历史遗址,真令人惊叹!Look at these historical relics here, amazing!

然而过去的遗物在这里是个好买卖。Yet relics of the past are good business here.

慧媛要玛丽阿姨处理掉艾妮的遗物。Huiyuan to aunt Mary to get rid of Enid relics.

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佛寺中的佛塔最初用来存放佛教圣物。Buddhist stupas are monuments holding holy relics.

昆明举办美国飞虎队文物展。Exhibition of Flying Tigers relics held in Kunming.

便断碣残碑,都付与苍烟落照。Even the broken stone tablets become relics in time.

农民偶尔能犁出古老的印弟安人的遗物。Framers occasionally ploughed out old Indian relics.

桂林地区古冰川遗迹何在?。Where Are the Former Glacial Relics in Guilin Area ?

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地质遗迹是不可再生的珍贵遗产!Geological relics are precious unrenewable heritages!

这里是出土文物展览。Here is an exhibition of unearthed historical relics.

这个农民从土里犁出了些古代遗物。The ploughman turned up some relics of ancient times.

这个金属盒子,是用来盛放宗教遗物的圣器。This is a gold container used to hold religious relics.

地质遗迹是地球留给人类的珍贵遗产。Geologic relics are earth's precious heritage to mankind.

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我想到一些有文物古迹的城市观光。I want to visit some Chinese cities with cultural relics.

河北的文物古迹更是俯拾皆是。Hebei is also one of the provinces of many cultural relics.

文物按年代顺序展出。The cultural relics are displayed in chronological sequence.