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我听说您和多布森要结婚了。I hear you will marry with Dobson.

首先是杜布森怪错了人。The first is that Mr Dobson is wrong.

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多布森太太生了两个好儿子。Mrs Dobson has produced two fine sons.

福特和杜伯森先生是钢琴修理师。Messrs Ford and Dobson are piano repairers.

杜布森还拥有无可比拟的权力基础。Mr Dobson also has an unmatched power-base.

杜布森在政治上的表现也是相当活跃。Mr Dobson remains as active as ever in politics.

经过一段时期布森下车后,该名男子是在流泪。By the time Dobson got off, the man was in tears.

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而到目前为止,只有我们的杜布森先生却是越战越勇。But until now Mr Dobson has gone from strength to strength.

多布森先生许诺拓宽该组织的活动范围。Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation's scope of activity.

艾比道布森执行,我不会错过您在罗富国社会俱乐部。Abby Dobson performs I'm Not Missing You at the Northcote Social Club.

杜布森对成功启发和影响基督教保守派们始终乐此不疲。Mr Dobson has long enjoyed unrivalled clout with Christian conservatives.

“但是我当然同意约翰布森时,他说,”没有良好的外部装饰工程!But I certainly agree with John Dobson when he says, The Exterior Decorator does good work!

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杜布森正面临他人生的关口,这就像是他过往成就的一个缩影。Mr Dobson is at the heart of his movement's difficulties, just as he used to epitomise its success.

进餐速度快的人有更高的风险患上糖尿病中最常见的一型——2型糖尿病。Fast eaters may have a higher risk of developing the most common form of diabetes, writes Roger Dobson.

近日,摄影师山姆-多布森在纳米比亚埃托沙国家公园拍摄到了一组与众不同的斑马打架画面。Photographer Sam Dobson captured an extraordinary battle among zebras in Etosha National Park, Namibia.

这一罕见的自然现象叫做雾虹,是由山姆-杜布森在最近的一次北极探险中拍摄到的。The rare phenomena, named a fog bow, was spotted by Sam Dobson during a recent expedition to the North Pole.

在本协议终止时间之中单方面并命令他停止运作。At which time Masonite unilaterally terminated the agreement and ordered Dobson to discontinue his operations.

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多布森说,加强监督无论最后采取何种形式,各国"监管部门都必须进行更密切的合作"。Whatever form enhanced scrutiny ultimately takes, “regulators have to work together more closely,” Dobson said.

道布森博士是在读医本李查佛提的书想到这理论。佛提是国家历史博物馆的古生物学家。Dr Dobson came up with the theory while reading a book by Richard Fortey, the Natural History Museum palaeontologist.

在91岁时,多布森作为热衷于制作廉价望远镜的人,他终于在1956年时制造出第一个。At age 91, Dobson is as passionate about building inexpensive telescopes as he was when he built his first one in 1956.