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我只是随便说说。I am just speaking casually.

我问道,尽量装得若无其事。I asked, as casually as possible.

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这种角色不能随便对待。This role should not be taken casually.

谁散了笛声韵在那里胡乱地涂抹。Who is the flute rhyme where casually daub.

这样冒冒失失去找他可不好。It's improper to drop in on him so casually.

反正做不到的,随便说说也不要紧。Anyway, can not do it, do not matter casually.

有时候也被随意缩短至主板。It is also sometimes casually shortened to mobo.

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或者,轻松的借口要用洗手间离开。Or casually excuse yourself to use the restroom.

乐广随手取下墙上的弓。Yue casually took away the bow hanging on the wall.

我随便插回那叠扑克牌中。I casually plug it back in the pile of playing cards.

是人们无意间彼此认识的一个好方法。It's a good tool for casually getting to know people.

对于自己不懂的或不明白的事情,不要妄加评论!Don't comment casually on things you don't understand!

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美好是一种执念,我坚持,你随意。Beautiful is a kind of obsession, I insist, you casually.

我一回头看到一只松鼠悠哉悠哉地进了我家。I look over and see a squirrel casually walk into my room.

我从不随意闹情绪,因为深知没人会哄我。I never casually mood, because I know no one will coax me.

只是要一只能牢牢牵住我的、不会随便丢掉的手。Just a can firmly hold my hand, do not casually discarded.

等擦肩而过时,忽又装作漫不经心地打量着别处。Pass, such as when pretending to casually looked elsewhere.

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他的一个助手有次偶然间问我是否感兴趣。One of his aides casually asked me if I might be interested.

在夏天,人们通常都穿一些体,短衣之类的休闲服装。In the summer, people dress casually like T-shirt and shorts.

波密奥在这些东西周围转来转去,偶尔还笑笑。Boemio casually walks around all of it, occasionally laughing.