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他的妻子怀疑他有情妇。His wife suspected that he had a paramour.

你始终不肖泄露你的奸夫。Thou hast kept the secret of thy paramour.

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把你藏在这暗洞里做他的情妇?Keeps thee here in dark to be his paramour?

把你藏在这暗洞里做他的情妇?。Keeps thee here is dark to be his paramour?

此次骚乱“狠狠地扇了英国一巴掌”,让人们对英国的印象大打折扣。The riot, "the British fans a harsh slap", so that people England's paramour.

她要求离婚,理由是丈夫在另一个城里有姘妇。She sought a divorce on the grounds that her husband had a paramour in another town.

我该相信连虚无的死神也爱慕你且带你去当他的情妇?。Shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous and keeps you in dark to be his paramour?

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使他的情妇难堪的短信频频浮现,妻子从家里搬走,对他的支持率直线下降。Embarrassing emails with his paramour surfaced, his wife moved out, and his approval ratings tanked.

一位正在那里度假的利文斯顿居民一股脑地都转述了,说看到肯与他的西班牙情人在海滨共享美餐。A vacationing Livingston resident reported no less than seeing Ken and his Castilian paramour dining beachside.

所以,你可以明白为什么她的6个孩子有点紧张,当几年前,公爵夫人发现了一个新的情夫了。So you can understand why her six children got a little nervous when a few years ago, the duchess found a new paramour.

一个应该判处罪刑的奸妇和她的情人丈夫,难道允许放在这块充满自由,充满信仰的土地上最高层的办公室吗?Ought a convicted adulteress and her paramour husband to be placed in the highest offices of this free and christian land?

他们看着我跟马拉松运动员一样瘦削的身段,讶异于我究竟看上这个穿加大尺码裤子的了不得的情人的哪一点。They saw me with my thin marathoner's body and wondered what it was that I admired in this portly paramour with the plus-size panties.

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有一次,她们说,其中一个情妇宣称,如果她没有得到升职,就凭自己知道该监狱长“身上的每一处疤痕”把他拉下位。On one occasion, they said, a paramour announced that if she didn't get promoted, she would take the warden down with her knowledge of "every scar on his body."

但当公主撩起面纱露出面容时他完全怔住,这才意识到公主原是他自己的深爱的恋人。But at the instant the princess raised her veil and revealed her countenance, he was absolutely stunned only for it to light on him that the princess was his own deeply beloved paramour.