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他是一个恶毒的,坏心肠的罪犯,土匪。He's a malicious and malevolent malefactor and gangster.

来过的那个“小偷”正是马德兰伯伯。The " malefactor" who had been there was Father Madeleine.

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犯罪后不久,犯罪分子犯罪分子就被抓获了,并被送到警察局。Shortly after the crime, the malefactor was apprehended and turn over to the police.

实施犯罪之后不久,犯罪分子就被抓获并被移交警方。Shortly after the crime, the malefactor was apprehended and turned over to the police.

那根石头柱子是古时候一个犯了罪的人的亲属竖在那儿的,先是把那个人的手钉在那儿折磨他,后来才把他绞死。It was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by nailing his hand to a post and afterwards hung.

法官判处一名罪犯劳教后,正喋喋不休地向他指出犯罪的坏处和改造的好处。JUDGE having sentenced a Malefactor to the penitentiary was proceeding to point out to him the disadvantages of crime and the profit of reformation.

没收财产刑是一种将犯罪人个人财产的一部或者全部无偿收归国有的刑罚方法。Confiscating belongings punishment is one kind will make a of malefactor personal property all perhaps free accept method of homecoming some penalty.

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在两者之间,抑制性的条款使得邪恶远离,但是幻想着并没有被禁止做那些狂热者所作的事情,或者就是想犯人通常做的那样。In both, the inhibitory clause that forbids evil is off, but the dreamer is not bidden to do evil as the maniac is, or as the malefactor often seems to be.

理论推测,当这个坏人碰到这种别人不愿意与之合作的情况时,他会从中吸取教训并且变成一个更合作的人。When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual.

当遭遇这样的一次合作终止,如理论所说,作为合作规则的破坏者,他会开始反省他处事的过错,并且开始变成更加乐于合作的个体。When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration , the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual.

宋朝的官妓,从宽录取,不但把罪人家属当公娼,甚至公然去抢来,逼良为娼!Government-owned prostitute of Song Chao, from wide admit, not only become malefactor family member male prostitute, be grabbed even avowedly come, force fine is prostitute!