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从汉江出发的引水工程需要更多的复杂工程来提升水位。The diversion from the Han is necessitating more complex projects to raise water levels.

他认为,经济将迅速跌入负增长,这就需要第二个刺激计划。He said the economy will dip down into negative GDP growth soon, necessitating a second stimulus program.

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其单程转化率一般是低的,因此有必要使气体循环以提高总的产品收率。The conversion-per-pass is generally low, thus necessitating gas recycle to increase overall product yield.

本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权伍兹先生为代理。The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr.

超音速队声称,他们在钥匙球馆有经济损失,因此搬家到俄克拉荷马城是必须的。The Sonics have alleged that they are losing money at KeyArena, thereby necessitating a likely move to Oklahoma City.

双方易被此激怒是一个长期存在的问题,从而迫使以竞争和神经过敏的行为来处理未解决的烦恼。Irritation can be aconstant problem here, necessitating games and neurotic behavior to cope withunresolved annoyances.

五月八日香港出现暴雨,天文台在当日发出了本年首次的红色暴雨警告和山泥倾泻警告。Heavy rain occurred on May 8, necessitating the issuance of the first Rainstorm Red Warning and Landslip Warning in the year.

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数据中心正在不断增长,而管理职员却在缩减,因此公司迫切需要监视计算资源的工具。Data centers are growing and administrative staffs are shrinking, necessitating efficient monitoring tools for compute resources.

胰腺透壁性坏死常引起严重的临床恶化,恶化后需要实施开放性清创或内镜下坏死清除术。Walled-off pancreatic necrosis often leads to severe clinical deterioration necessitating open debridement or endoscopic necrosectomy.

全球金融动荡引起的资本流动性干涸正在迫使东欧的外部失衡进行一次剧烈的调整。The drying up of capital inflows amid the global financial turmoil is necessitating a sharp adjustment in Eastern Europe's external imbalances.

而四大现在高调重返管理咨询界则令人才紧缺的状况进一步加剧,迫使他们进行新一轮的大规模招聘。To add to their difficulties the Big Four are now aggressively re-entering the field of advisory services, necessitating a new burst of hiring.

如果您对预置元素定义一种样式规则,一些浏览器忘记使用等宽字体,将被迫使用此字体家族特性。If you define a style rule for the pre element, some browsers forget to use the monospace font, necessitating the use of the font-family property.

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迅速变成熟悉的神经质的眼泪与哭声,需要屋子的男主人立刻用一切力量来安慰她。A quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails, necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the flat.

然后,突然转变成女性神经质的眼泪和哭泣,男主人只得千方百计地来安慰她。a quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails, necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the flat.

美国红阀公司锚链管道阀门的两件式结构使得阀门能够钳制到位,锚链不需要长时间的被迫运动。The two-piece design of the Red Valve Hawse pipe valve allows the valve to be clamped into place without necessitating movement of the lengthy anchor line.

官员提供的一些细节上,政府会如何处理与生物恐怖攻击或其他情况需要大规模疏散运动会期间。Officials provided few details on how the government would deal with a bioterrorism attack or other situations necessitating mass evacuations during the Games.

目前,业务规则与主代码紧密耦合,使得在做出更改时必须小心谨慎,同时还增加了测试需求。Currently, business rules are closely coupled with the main code, necessitating the need for care while making changes and also increasing testing requirements.

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病人急性,突发性,严重的面部疼痛和肿胀需要紧急入院及手术全身麻醉下进行干预。The patient developed acute, sudden, severe facial pain and swelling necessitating emergency admission to hospital and operative intervention under general anaesthesia.

我们接着进行了世界上最不连贯的闲聊,不停地被新进入的人打断,每一次都需要重新讨论谁加进来了而谁还没有。We proceeded to make the world's most desultory small talk, interrupted by every new arrival, each one necessitating a fresh discussion about who was on and who wasn't.

装备有蛇纹石战术导弹,晚祷在中远距离相当可靠,但是只能造成轻微的伤害,以至于必须发射数次才能摧毁目标。Featuring a Serpentine Tactical Missile Rack, the Evensong is effective out to medium ranges, but does relatively light damage, necessitating several shots to defeat a target.