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双子叶植物中保留着一系列的束。Dicotyledonous plants retain a series of strands.

人参果属茄科类多年生双子叶草本植物。Ginseng is a perennial dicotyledonous herbs Nightshade classes.

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花药壁发育类型为双子叶型。The development of the anther wall belonged to a dicotyledonous type.

细脉的网状式样是双子叶植物的主要特征。The reticulate pattern of minor veins is characteristic of most dicotyledonous plants.

在单子叶的水稻和双子叶的烟草之间该基因有很高的同源性。It reserves a high homo- logy between rice, monocotyledonous plant and tobacco, dicotyledonous.

双子叶植物中包含大戟类植物在内的一个大科,约8000余种。Euphorbiaceae A large family of dicotyledonous plants that include the spurges . There are over 8000 species.

细脉和其它的细脉联合形成一个连续的网络。细脉的网状式样是双子叶植物的主要特征。The minor veins join with other minor veins, forming a conspicuous network. The reticulate pattern of minor veins is characteristic of most dicotyledonous plants.

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通过形成层的分裂可以在木本的双子叶植物中形成次生木质部和次生韧皮部。The primary cambium is found in the stem and root between the phloem and xylem cells, and by division gives rise to the secondary phloem and xylem in woody dicotyledonous plants.

甘薯是广泛栽培于热带、亚热带地区的一种杂粮作物,可作粮食、饲料和工业原料。The sweet potato is a dicotyledonous plant which is cultivated widely in the tropical and subtropical regions and can be used for the human food, animal feed and industrial raw materials.

本文系统地介绍了双子叶植物叶结构分类术语。这不仅有利于术语规范化,而且有利于国内外同行交流。The terminology of classification of dicotyledonous leaf architecture is introduced in Chinese version. It is very useful for the standardization of terminology and academic communication.