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和我们一起飞翔!Fly with us!

还是喝咖啡时想吸烟?With coffee?

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和我一起坐车.Ride with me.

跟我走吧?Walk with me?

跟一个团组去的?With a group?

使用玻璃制品。Go with glass.

用现金支付。Pay with cash.

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与我们分享吧!Share with us!

有了电脑。With computer.

长着羽毛?With feathers?

挂着国旗的院门。Door with flag.

以k2的速率。With a rate k2.

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心壁很薄。With thin wall.

用粉笔吗,先生?With chalk, Sir?

粮油食品销售。With food sales.

与他们对话。Dialog with them.

跟朋友一起去。Go with a friend.

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我同意她的看法。I agree with her.

我同意你的意见。I agree with you.

我跟你们并肩作战!I fight with you!