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马力欧的进化史!The Evolution of Mario !

我与克里斯马里奥克鲁斯里特。I'm Mario Ritter with Chris Cruise.

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马里奥可以骑上耀西。Mario can ride Yoshi as he's always done.

马里奥和索尼克的冬季奥运会Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games

与汤姆比,玛里奥很少努力学习。In contrast with Tom, Mario seldom studies harder.

一天夜里,马里奥正在专心致志的打游戏。One night, Mario was engrossed in his Famicom game.

迈阿密热火韦德和马里奥查默斯。The Miami Heat have Dwyane Wade and Mario Chalmers.

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我马里奥里特。我希望你能喜欢我们今天的节目。I'm Mario Ritter. I hope you enjoyed our program today.

马里奥戈麦斯已经被落石砍掉了两个手指。Mario Gomez had two fingers sliced off by falling rocks.

马里奥?卡佩基是美国犹他州的科学家。Mario Capecchi is a researcher at the University of Utah.

依据“超级玛丽”电子游戏设想的冷艳的纸杯蛋糕。Amazing cupcakes inspired by Super Mario Bros video games.

马里奥的系列游戏一直都很有意思,从八十年代开始就给我带来乐趣,我现在已经30多了,马里奥游戏也20多岁了。Mario games are fun. They've been fun for me since the 80s.

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我希望马里奥在剩下的赛季能够有出色的发挥。I hope Mario can play for the rest of the season pretty much.

根据超级玛丽3.0游戏设计的超酷美甲!Awesome nail art inspired by the Super Mario Bros. 3 video game.

如果马里奥也有办公室工作他肯定会用这款蘑菇型的灯。If Mario had a desk job he would have this mushroom shaped lamp.

马里奥·安德里奇欧说他为其他想跟进的人开了一条路。Mario Andreacchio says he's leading the way for others to follow.

热火并没有锻炼任何人,查尔默斯也许能算个例外。The Heat didn't do that with anyone, except maybe Mario Chalmers.

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下一个万圣节,把自家孩子也装扮成超级玛丽吧!Why not dress up your kids as Mario and Luigi for next Halloween?

不要忘了,马里奥相信你会做出正确的选择。And don’t forget, Mario believes you’ll make the right choice.

而这是美国之音特别英语健康报道。我马里奥里特。And that's the VOA Special English Health Report. I'm Mario Ritter.