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可见的严重消瘦的诊断效能根据人体测量标准进行评估。The diagnostic performance of visible severe wasting was evaluated against anthropometric criteria.

目的旨在探讨我国歼、强击机飞行员人体参数变化趋势及程度。Objective To study the changing tendency of the anthropometric parameters of Chinese fighter pilots.

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与人体测量相比,可见严重消瘦在决定死亡风险方面的敏感性较低。Visible severe wasting had lower sensitivity for determining the risk of death than the anthropometric measures.

目的探讨健康青年的握力与人体计量资料的相关性。Objective To investigate the correlation between anthropometric parameters and grip strength in healthy young adults.

结论男性2型糖尿病患者的SA及VA可以通过简易体脂参数来预测。Conclusion The VA and SA in Chinese male patients with type 2 diabetes can be well predicted by anthropometric measurements.

上臂测量巳用于评价脂肪、蛋白质的营养状况。Anthropometric evaluations of the upper limb have become valuable in the assessment of nutritional status of fat and protein.

胎盘重量除了与婴儿之头围无相关外,与婴儿之其他体位测量值都有正相关。However, the placenta weight showed a positive correlation with all anthropometric measurements of the babies except with HC.

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最终,儿童出生时、6个月、12个月生长数据记录在出生证和病例里面。Finally, children's anthropometric data at birth, 6 and 12 months of age were recorded from their birth certificates and medical records.

论文运用人体模板技术,对与数控机床设计相关的各种人体尺度进行了细致的分析和研究。Based on technology of articulated anthropometric scale models, this thesis analyzes the dimensions of human beings in the NC machine tools design.

方法采用膳食分析、人体学测量和生化免疫测定,并对可能影响营养状况的常见因素进行分析。Methods Diet history, anthropometric measurement, biochemical and immunological indices were used to assess the nutritional status of the patients.

根据以往学者的研究得知,腕隧道症候群之临床徵状与患者之年龄、性别、工作性质及身高体重等因素皆有关。The aim of the study is trying to ass-ess the anthropometric factors and range of motion of hand and wrist in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.

该模型可以根据驾驶舱设计元素和驾驶员人体参数计算驾驶姿势。Then driving posture calculation model was built, it can calculate driving posture when the design factors and anthropometric parameters are input.

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表格1归纳了根据方案完成研究的43名参加者的人体测量学、生物化学以及生活习惯的特点。Table 1 summarizes the anthropometric , biochemical, and lifestyle characteristics of the 43 study participants who completed the study per the protocol.

本研究即针对人体计测数据进行比较以了解其族群差异,并对三维全身扫描系统的量测误差进行分析评估。This study aims to compare the anthropometric data to realize the ethnic difference and evaluate the measurement error of the whole body scanning system.

用1-9岁儿童的人体测量数据用来评估食品利用情况,而家庭食品库存数据则用来评定食品供应。Anthropometric data for children aged 1–9 years were used to assess food utilization, and household food inventory data were used to assess food availability.

中国婴儿配方奶喂养和母乳喂养时第一年血清瘦素水平和体格发育指标的差异明显。There are significant difference in blood leptin levels and anthropometric parameters between Formula-fed infants and breast-fed infants in the first year of life.

利用人机工程学的理论和方法,采用中国飞行员人体数据,运用人体模型进行人机系统计算机仿真。Utlizing the theory means of Ergonomics, we make use of the dummy, which is made based on Chinese pilots? anthropometric data, to simulate the Human-Machine system.

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对其进行了体检、产前实验室化验和人体测量,采用B超测定怀孕周数以确定其合格性。Physical examinations, antenatal laboratory tests and anthropometric measures were performed, and gestational age was determined by ultrasound to confirm eligibility.

今天排版也许会代替装饰成为主题。文本可能会根据人体测量而将其形状变成如人体的s型曲线。Today typography may be the subject and could replace figuration. The letter itself has become anthropometric and might draw from an S the sinuosity of the human body.

为了将世卫组织的标准并入工作中,许多国家已经重新设计了他们的儿童健康记录、升级了人体测量设备并重新培训了卫生工作人员。Many countries have redesigned their child health records, upgraded their anthropometric equipment and retrained health staff to incorporate the WHO standards into their work.