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就职仪式是一场盛典。The inauguration was a big event.

他来参加开幕典礼吗?Is he coming to the inauguration ceremony?

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这就是以Linux为基础的经济的就职典礼吗?The inauguration of the Linux-based economy?

落成典礼因此次事故未能举行。Thus the inauguration of the incident could not be held.

我很高兴能去华盛顿看就职仪式。I'm very HAPPY to be in Washington, D. C. for the Inauguration.

林肯于就职前九天到达华盛顿。Lincoln arrived in Washington nine days before his inauguration.

数以万记的人参加了总统的就职典礼。A crowd of great magnitude attended the President's inauguration.

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建筑新修院的工程是在1989年开始,1992年五月落成的。The inauguration of the new building has taken place in May 1992.

这是鲍威尔最后一次以美国国务卿的身份外访活动。Yushchenko's inauguration in his last overseas mission as secretary.

克林顿是前来参加卡尔扎伊总统就职典礼的。Clinton arrived to attend the inauguration of President Hamid Karzai.

肯尼迪就职的那一刻是给国家带来希望的非凡时刻。Kennedy’s inauguration was a singular moment of hope for the country.

在蒙特利尔白求恩生平事迹展开幕式上的致辞At the Inauguration of "The Adventures of the Unpredictable Dr. Bethune"

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一位犹太牧师在乔治·华盛顿,1789年的就职典礼上出席。George Washington had a Jewish clergy person at his inauguration in 1789.

今天上午将举行新厦的落成典礼。The inauguration ceremony for the new building will be held this morning.

1931年,为举行落成典礼,通过铁路把它运送到2343英尺高的山上。A railway carried it up the 2, 343-foot mountain for the 1931 inauguration.

1998年总统就职典礼上,金大中与夫人李姬镐在一起。Mr. Kim at his presidential inauguration in 1998 with his wife, Lee Hee-Ho.

警察在就职仪式之前加强了首都莫斯科的安全保卫工作。Police tightened security in the capital, Moscow, ahead of the inauguration.

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这样1971卡塔尔的就职典礼标志其成为一个独立的主权国。Thus 1971 marked the inauguration of Qatar as an independent sovereign state.

就职网页还有以往数十年的就职视频。Its inauguration page also features videos of inaugurations from decades past.

来自70多个国家的代表团出席了就职仪式。The delegations from more than 70 countries attended the inauguration ceremony.