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心壁很薄。With thin wall.

帝凡尼壁灯。Tiffany Wall Lamp.

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那堵吵闹的墙!That wall of noise!

我的木刻墙。My wall of woodcuts.

墙被涂过了。The wall was coated.

这栋房子用砖做墙面。He bricked up a wall.

这墙是用糊墙纸裱糊的。The wall was papered.

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它们之间有一堵墙。There's a wall there.

墙皮都已脱落了。The wall has stripped.

到了颓圮的篱墙。To the crumbling wall.

全铝材壁灯!All-aluminum wall lamp!

我能打烂墙吗?。Could I break the wall?

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糊墙织物。Textile wall coverings.

西壁龛外北侧文殊变。North side of west wall.

墙里秋千墙外道。Qiangli swing wall Road.

葡萄藤爬过了墙头。Vines run over the wall.

华尔街23号记载着历史。History overhung 23 Wall.

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我正在用图案装饰墙。I am patterning the wall.

我看见一辆汽车撞在了墙上I saw a car hit the wall.

好了,我们开始登长城了。Ok, we began to the wall.