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他于1208年左右继承王室。He was crowned king circa 1208.

纽皮特人,阿拉斯加,约1907年。Inupiat woman, Alaska, circa 1907

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它更像是1965的摩城唱片。It's more like Motown, circa 1965.

让我跳到二○○六年八月于北京。I pass on to Beijing, circa August 2006.

因为,1850年左右的美国也出现了同样的情况。The same was true of the U.S. circa 1850.

很近,大约四五分钟。Molto vicino, circa quattro o cinque minuti.

大约在公元前1470年夏天,圣多里尼火山爆发了。In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded.

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赫本在一个舞蹈室练习,大约拍摄于1955年。Hepburn practices in a dance studio, circa 1955.

约1915年,白宫,林肯卧室。The Lincoln Bedroom, the White House, circa 1915.

小伙子引用了眼前这位老人家大概在2009年说过的一段话。The young man quotes a line from the elder circa 2009.

一九一○年代明信片,法国印制。Circa 1910s postcard printed in France, publisher unknown.

大约在1955年,赫本戴着一顶装饰着莱茵石的网状帽子。Circa 1955, the actress wears a mesh hat with rhinestones.

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约瑟夫斯是一世纪的犹太历史学家,生活在大约公元37-100年间。Josephus was a Jewish historian who lived circa 37-100 AD.

这部电影将观众们带回至大约1905年时候的香港。The film takes the audience back to Hong Kong, circa 1905.

大约在1955年拍摄,赫本在一片平静的树林里写信。Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove, circa 1955.

故事大约发生在1850年,讲的是路易斯安那州一个逃跑的年轻女奴。The story tells of a runaway slave girl in Louisiana, circa 1850.

约一九○○年代明信片,由法国外方传教会发行。Circa 1900s postcard issued by the Paris Foreign Missions Society.

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哥尼流•塔西佗是罗马历史学家,生活在大约公元56-120年间。Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian who lived circa 56-120 AD.

他看到土耳其人的英语种族课程,大约在1566至1625年的赛车。He had seen Turks racing on English race courses, circa 1566-1625.

大约在公元前2,550年,胡夫法老开始他的首个金字塔项目。Pharaoh Khufu began the first Giza pyramid project, circa 2550 B. C.