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小桃,有动静吗?Peach, any movement?

个月没动静。No movement in a month.

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模拟石英机芯。Quartz analog movement.

呼吸运动中。Breathes in the movement.

瑞士制造的石英机芯。Swiss-made quartz movement.

电子的运动产生了电流。The movement of the elec '.

游戏用鼠标键移动。Key games with mouse movement.

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眼球的频繁转动和眼脸的迅速闪动Rapid eye movement and blinking

第二乐章是广板乐章。The second movement is a largo.

运动已经全面铺开。The movement is fully under way.

舞蹈是一种人体动作的艺术。Dance is an art of body movement.

运动障碍是一种运动功能的紊乱。Dyspraxia is a movement disorder.

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他在那次运动中是个激进人物。He is a militant in the movement.

唯有行动可以击败惯性。Inertia is beat only by movement.

多么落魄的一个运动。What a comedown for the movement.

绿色运动却不买账。The green movement don't buy that.

之后,我参加了那场运动。Then I joined the social movement.

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重整下一波的祷告运动。Realigning the next Prayer Movement.

在你看来,这场运动将走向何方?Where do you see the movement going?

他坐在长凳上,一动不动。He sat on the bench without movement.