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所有的话都是马特.达蒙临时发挥的。All of this was ad libbed by Matt Damon.

达蒙为西塞斯的坦白感到惊讶。Damon was surprised by Thiessens confession.

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麦特戴蒙约你出去的话,你会怎样?What would you do if Matt Damon asked you out?

因为D警告伊莎贝尔远离E。Because Damon warned Isobel to stay away from her.

达蒙Albarn的是唯一的Gorillaz的常任理事国。Damon Albarn is the only permanent member of Gorillaz.

戴蒙想要跟他签下一笔百万合约。Damon wanted to sign him to a million-dollar contract.

戴蒙生长于麻萨诸塞州的剑桥市。Damon was born and raised in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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戴蒙想要跟他签下一笔百万合约。Damon wanted to sign him to a million-dollar contract5.

他向丹•达蒙讲述了最难忘的经历。He told Dan Damon about his most memorable experiences.

让我们承认吧,达蒙是奥斯卡史诗中的一部分。Let's face it, Damon is an Oscar force of epic proportions.

马特·达蒙扮演的乔治是一个美国的蓝领工人。Matt Damon plays George is an American blue-collar workers.

我才发现这两部影片马特·达蒙都参演了And now I think about it, both of those have Matt Damon in it.

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本阿弗莱克欣赏马特达蒙好久了。Ben Affleck has had a man crush on Matt Damon for a long time.

下午三点钟,詹姆斯和其前队友达蒙.琼斯一道而来。James arrived in midafternoon with former teammate Damon Jones.

同样,他们也不都是恶棍,即使是想杀死马特•达蒙的那个人也是在尽他的职责而已。Even the people who want to kill Damon are only doing their jobs.

丹•达门就此采访了电影配乐专家巴里•法肖尔。Dan Damon put that question to film music specialist Barry Forshaw.

只有詹姆斯和达蒙·琼斯拒绝了签名。Only James and Damon Jones, a Cav with a shoe deal in China, refused.

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戴蒙将制作电影的才能和帮助他人的欲望结合在一起。Damon combines his moviemaking talents with his desire to help others.

不久前,丹·达蒙采访了亚桑杰的瑞典律师比昂·赫迪。A short time ago, his Swedish lawyer, Bjorn Hurtig, spoke to Dan Damon.

市长达蒙‧托马斯说这个节日对皞峇灯来说是一个很大的鼓舞。The Lord Mayor Damon Thomas says the event is a great boost for Hobart.