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蒙蒂说,“你好,肖娜。Monty says, "Hello, Shawna."

布朗因此称孙子蒙特为“母乳兄弟”。Browne started calling Monty his "milk brother."

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最佳配偶拉不拉多犬Monty和鸭子Donny。Best mates Monty the labrador and Donny the duck.

农民蒙蒂惠误点了几个星期。Farmer Monty Whipple is several weeks behind schedule.

我有一个朋友叫蒙蒂•罗伯茨,他拥有一座养马场。I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch.

我现在确实感到和乔治亚还有蒙蒂之间有一种特别的感情。I do feel like I have a special bond with Georgia and Monty.

蒙迪先生说,目前这个网站的用户已经达到百万。The site recently hit the million-user mark, Mr. Monty said.

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蒙提有两只狗,和我发生冲突的那只狗是“金吉尔”。Monty has two dogs, but the one I have issues with is "Ginger."

她粘蒙提甚至到了根本不给他任何独处的时间的程度。She clings to Monty to the point he doesn't have any time alone.

当我们看电视时,她总是在沙发上挨着蒙提坐。She sits next to Monty on the couch when we're watching television.

你至少不要指靠蒙蒂在D日攻占戛纳。Not the least which it is dependency on Monty taking Cannes by D-day.

我有一个朋友叫芒特·罗伯茨,他在圣桑多罗有一个马场。I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Sedro.

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我有一个朋友叫蒙蒂·罗伯特,他在圣伊塞德罗有一个马场。I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro.

我有一个朋友叫蒙特。罗伯特,他在圣西多有一个马场。I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in san Ysidro.

如果你还没有告诉蒙提,在这个团体中你想要更高的地位,那么现在就告诉他。If you haven't told Monty that you need a higher rank in the pack, do it now.

但是只要能让我爸爸有更长的时间和我,我们的家庭,还有小蒙蒂在一起,我愿意做任何事。But I would do anything to give my dad more time with me, our family and Monty.

由于蒙蒂惠展望未来,当他的庄稼头市场,他是过去铭记在心。As Monty Whipple looks to the future, when his crops head to market, he is mindful of the past.

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宝宝蒙蒂才一个月大时,乔治亚看到了那个记录片并决定在自己身上试一试。Baby Monty was just a month old when Georgia saw the documentary and decided to try it for herself.

蒙蒂突然快速说起法语俚语,说得手舞足蹈,一条假腿重复着单脚跳的动作。Monty broke into slangy, rapid French, gesticulating and hopping from foot to peg-leg and back again.

但是另外,当您想到,不知道您看没看过Monty,Python的滑稽短剧?But there's one thing to think you know, you think of I don't know if you've seen the Monty Python's skit.