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只帮助那些不懒惰的人。Only help him who is not an idler.

我不能指望那个懒惰者的帮忙。I can't expect help from the idler.

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他们把懒汉作为罪犯来惩罚。They punished the idler as criminals.

他是个放荡、奢侈、吊儿郎当的人。He is a dissipated, extravagant idler.

你并不懒惰,但却算得上是个游手好闲的人。You are not lazy, and still you are an idler.

学者是以学习来消磨时间的懒汉。A learned man is an idler who kills time by study.

我能肯定那个懒汉很快就要把他的钱花完。I'm sure the idler and his money will be fetched away soon.

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还有意思的是,各地在北京都有办事处,这又是一大帮闲人。It means that all have offices in Beijing, which is large idler.

博学的人是用学习消磨时间的懒汉。A learned man is an idler who kills time by study. ----Bernard Shaw.

本例显示了皮带向左侧跑偏的情形。This example shows a troughing idler with the conveyor belt running to the left.

文章分析了某单位移动工位滚轮架从动轴的断裂原因。The reason of rupture of driven shaft of idler wheel for some factory is analyzed.

有一段时间,他会独自站在那里,像一个游手好闲的人一样注视着一个始终迷人的场面。For a while he would stand alone, gazing like any idler upon an ever-fascinating scene.

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讨论了带式输送机托辊间距的选择对功率消耗的影响。The effects of idler spacing selection on belt conveyor power consumption were discussed.

介绍了煤矿用带式输送机的一种新型逆止托辊—离心式逆止托辊。Introduced a new type of idler named centrifugal back idler used in coal mine belt conveyors.

你可以调节托辊却没有任何结果,即使调到你脸色发蓝也是如此。You can turn this troughing idler until you are blue in the face and you will see no results.

支重轮、托链轮、引导轮均装有密封性好、寿命长的浮动油封。Track roller , carrier roller, idler are mounted with long life well sealed Duo-cone floating ring seal.

我们用“空闲”来批评一个人的懒惰,因为他不进行他的工作或是浪费了他的时间。We use the word "idler" to criticize a lazy person for his not doing his work and for his wasting his time.

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他把全部注意力都集中在这件事上,就像一个游手好闲的人在观看一场魔术师技艺表演,对最后的结果并不感兴趣。He gave the struggle his attention, as an idler might observe the feat of a juggler, without interest in the outcome.

他能够容忍我这个业余爱好者的浅薄与无知,当之无愧是一个好老师和一个无与伦比的好伙伴。He tolerated the presence of an amateur, idler and dilettante and proved a perfect teacher and matchless travel companion.

采用滚轮及针送同步送科,爬坡力强,针距变化小,针位极稳固。Adopts double idler wheels and needle feed materials at the same time, strong slope climbing force, small change of needle.