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但在概念上它们很相似。But conceptually it is very similar.

可是有什么是没有做的?What is it not doing conceptually though?

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用户模拟在概念上很简单。User impersonation is conceptually simple.

它将是多少,3还是4?So conceptually that's going to be what, 3 or 4?

要阅读和理解概念性试验,reading and trying to understand proof conceptually

“财产”先于“产权”这个概念产生。"Property" is conceptually prior to "property rights".

好的,它表示的一个不一样的东西。Well, it means something a little different conceptually.

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为清晰起见,我先将这些移到一边!So I'm just gonna conceptually move these aside and now, wow!

因为这样的端口在概念上解除了对提供者提供的类的耦合。As such ports conceptually decouple a class from the provider.

营销观念是个很复杂的概念,因为它们违背常识。Marketing ideas are conceptually difficult because they contradict common sense.

这两步集中在概念上简化您正在处理的问题。These steps focus on conceptually simplifying the problem that you are tackling.

人生是个机会,可让你在经验上得知你在观念上已知的东西。Life is an opportunity for you to know experientially what you already know conceptually.

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除以2,除以2,除以2,这里只是概念性地说明这一,过程为何不会无限循环。By two, by two, by two, and here it just conceptually is why this thing doesn't infinitely loop.

接下来的是一个基本块,它可以认为是一个单个组或者一系列的指南。It follows that a basic block can be conceptually considered a single group or block of instructions.

尽管该任务在概念上是直截了当的,但是MEDLINE的大小和范围使得该工作不那么容易。Although the task is conceptually straightforward, the size and scope of MEDLINE make the task nontrivial.

这些传言显著的特点是在某些方面同7到8年前的传言概念类似。Something striking about these rumors is how conceptually similar they are to rumors from 7 or 8 years ago.

例如选择排序,至少从概念上来说,它非常简单。We looked at something called Selection Sort and that too was pretty straightforward, at least conceptually.

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这些偶联剂在概念上与硅烷和钛酸酯相似。在高度专用的领域,有一些有限的应用。These are conceptually similar to silanes and titanates and find limited use in highly specialized applications.

但是swap返回时,当我们抵达花括号底端是,在内存中发生了什么?But the moment swap returns, the moment we hit this bottom most curly brace, what conceptually happens in memory?

双击一个图标,程序就被加载到内存中,那么,程序在哪里结束?You double click an icon, the program gets loaded into memory, well, conceptually where does your program end up?