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在这种情况下,奖励可以吸引公众提供回馈。In this case, incentives could entice people to provide feedback.

我们不能允许投手引诱我们打出一、游间的必死地滚球。We can't allow this guy to entice us to hit 6-3 ground-ball outs.

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曲奇饼节食法曲奇饼能让节食者轻松减去体重。The Cookie Diet uses cookies to entice dieters into easy weight loss.

但即便是给他提供一辆轿车供他用,他也没有动心。But even the offer of a car for his use was not enough to entice Dilan.

杰克控制着他的心脏病药,诱使他交待更多的信息。Jack holds the man’s medicine to entice him into revealing more information.

为了进一步吸引我,她给我两张火热的模特式快照。To entice me further, she sends me two sultry, model-style snaps of herself.

为了吸引顾客,在线零售商都提供了优惠条件。In an effort to entice them, online retailers are offering a bounty of deals.

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因此目标就是吸引投资人细读计划的其他部分。So the aim is to entice investors into reading the rest of the plan for details.

下面呈现了他们的配色方案,它们尽可能地诱发你的饥饿感。Their colour palettes are there to entice you and make you as hungry as possible.

任何相关消息都有可能诱使最近已不再青睐苹果股票的投资者重拾对这家公司的兴趣。Any news could entice investors who have recently kept an Apple out of their diet.

仇恨和暴躁通常都不会让你的情人回头,可为什么要因爱转恨呢?Hate and rage don’t generally entice a lover to return. Why does love turn to hate?

然而正是你的这种变化无常,却深深地诱惑着一群渴望牢牢套住你的追求者。Your fickleness will however entice a host of unusual suitors eager to tie you down.

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落日下没有晒日光浴的人,钓鱼的人光线又不够,所以海滩上没什么人。The beach is vacant—no sun to entice the sunbathers—not enough light for the fishermen.

生产商想要你购买他们的食品,所以他们用特殊而醒目的广告语来诱惑你。Manufacturers want you to buy their food, so they use special catchphrases to entice you.

另一个原因,是实现优质反向吸引访客来到您的网站。Another reason to achieve quality backlinks is to entice visitors to come to your website.

鸣鸟会通过唱歌吸引伴侣,而唱歌的时间是随着阳光调整的。Songbirds sing to entice mates, and the timing of those songs is often regulated by sunlight.

这一方式在吸引一个资金雄厚的分销商从事一条新产品线时经常是必要的。This is often necessary to entice a well-capitalized distributor to take on a new product line.

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如果印刷图书成为可选项,出版商想要让人买书就要多花些力气了。If printed books are optional, publishers will have to work harder to entice people to buy them.

香水也是一种完美的引诱,几乎绝大多数的男人都是喜欢香水气味的。Perfume also is a kind entice faultlessly , almost the man of great majority likes perfume smell.

普通的行业术语如“标房”、“欧式早餐”对客人的诱惑力很小。" Common industry terms like "standard room" and "continental breakfast" do little to entice guests.