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我想问一下试用期我的工资是多少。I want to know the wage in my probationary period.

很多公司实行90天的试用期,如果员工在试用期表现满意的话,可以从试用期名单中脱颖而出,成为正式员工。Many companies use aninety-day probationary period.

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为新员工设置一个试用期也是一种好的解决办法。It also helps if you hire your new employee on a probationary period.

试用期被包括在本合同的有效期限内。The probationary period shall be included in the term of this Contract.

在这一点上,只要你有打算就一定要用试用期。On this point, too, always use the probationary period as it was intended.

见习爱天使翩然降临人间,只为邂逅一段美丽的真爱。Probationary angel descended love coming world, met only a section of beautiful love.

在试用期做出解雇的决定要比以后做出决定容易得多。It’s much easier to take this step during the probationary period than it is later on.

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如何证明劳动者在试用期间不符合录用条件?How to Prove that Employees Do Not Meet Employment Conditions during Probationary Period?

詹妮你认为,我们的这些女孩在三个月试用期后,一般都会做什麽吗?What do you think our girls usually do when they've finished their probationary three months?

档案暂时还在人才市场,但是等我试用期过后,就可以转来了。My file is kept in the personnel market, but it can be transferred after my probationary period.

因此,陈决定给姚一个机会,并付给她试用期工资,虽然她并没有提出任何要求。So he decided to take Yao in and pay her a probationary salary, even though she didn`t ask for anything.

表明你愿意为自己在家工作设置一段试验期或试用期。Indicate your willingness to allow your work from home arrangement to be a trial or probationary period.

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此外,该处也为76名在职的见习消防队长安排了延续训练课程。Moreover, continuation training courses were also arranged for 76 in-service Probationary Station Officers.

但是,这试用养老男子被没收他的行为,故意不服从命令为自己和后代。But this probationary endowment man was to forfeit by his act of willful disobedience for both himself and descendants.

如果你签订的合同期限正好为一年,试用期到底是三十天还是六十天是有争议的。If you sign a contract with a term exactly of one year, the probationary period can arguably be thirty days or sixty days.

非法入境者在接受背景调查期间将能得到临时签证,以便继续工作。Those who entered illegally would be able to get a probationary visa to continue to work while a background check is completed.

如果全公司没有普遍公司实行试用期制度,你也不能为你部门的每一个职员推行。You cannot establish a probationary period for every employee in yourdepartment or division if it's not a companywide practice.

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如果全公司没有普遍公司实行试用期制度,你也不能为你部门的每一个职员推行。You cannot establish a probationary period for every employee in yourdepartment or division if it’s not a companywide practice.

见习裁判如欲于是次赛事进行实习,可于报名表内一并填写或自行与独木舟水球委员会裁判组联络。Probationary referee may apply for job deployment by completing the entry form or contact the Referee Unit of Canoe Polo Committee.

用人单位应当及时变更劳动合同期限,或者按照非试用期的工资标准支付工资。The employer shall timely modify the term of the labor contract, or pay the wages at the wage rate for the non- probationary period.