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你怎么克扣呢?What do you skimp on?

你节省差旅费。You skimp on travel expenses.

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不要吝惜您的湿疹药。Don't skimp on eczema medicine.

还有千万不要吝啬对热软糖的幻想。And don’t skimp on the fantasy hot fudge.

你愿意节省哪个美容产品来省钱?Which beauty products would you skimp on to save money?

当然,这并不应该成为吝惜给心爱的人买礼物的借口。Of course, this shouldn't be an excuse to skimp on your lady's gift.

目前,RAM价格已相当便宜,如果在RAM上吝啬,则是不明智的。Currently, RAM is so inexpensive that it makes little sense to skimp on RAM.

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这是健康投资,所以千万别再这方面节省。This is a health investment, so don't skimp on this important piece of furniture!

汽车公司在50年代至60年代期间在汽车安全性方面做得不足的确是有问题的。Car companies had their problems with trying to skimp on safety in the '50s and '60s.

对于扫描仪,不要吝啬——ScanSnap牌扫描仪是省钱的最好的一种扫描仪。Don’t skimp on your scanner – The ScanSnap is one of the best scanners for the money.

如果跳过这一常规步骤,那么在真正运动中将会发挥不好或受伤。But if you skip or skimp on your prerun routine, you risk poor performance and injury.

不遗余力的砍价是个好主意,但是有些关键的物品你不应该节省。While it's a fine idea to bargain-hunt, there are a few crucial items you shouldn't skimp on.

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可以在其他方面节省,如办公空间、桌子、培训交通费、便宜的山景汽车旅馆等。You can skimp on the office space, the desks, coach airfare, budget motel in mountain view, etc.

正如之前提到的,不要跳过验收标准,或者准备好返工的代价。As mentioned earlier, do not skimp on acceptance criteria, or be ready to pay the price of rework.

但当你在开始真正设计时——创意、艺术部分——你不能忽略那些细节。But when it comes to your actual designs—the creative, artist part—you can’t skimp out on the details.

何金良说,他不知铁路当局为何没有在高速铁路配电线路上安装这些防雷装置。Mr. He said he doesn't know why the country's rail authorities decided to skimp on those safety devices.

不论你与应征者工作关系密切还是仅仅“知道”她,不要草草了结内部面试程序。Whether you worked with a candidate closely or you just "know of" her, don't skimp on the internal interview process.

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如果你克扣了睡眠时间,胃促生长素水平升高,使你饥饿,并且消瘦素下降,标志着需求热量。If you skimp on sleep, ghrelin levels rise, making you hungry, and leptin levels dip, which signals a need for calories.

显然里文斯喜欢说的,住在节能房屋里的人们不必吝啬于热水淋浴与冰啤酒。As Lovins is apparently fond of saying people who live in energy-efficient houses need not skimp on hot showers or cold beer.

我们只从网上考察有希望的项目,所以不要吝啬填表,因为良好的演示是你的希望所在。We look at online demos only for the most promising applications, so don't skimp on the application because you're relying on a good demo.