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把它手里的三叉戟夺过来。Wrest the trident out of her hand.

蠕动就是像虫子一样扭来扭去。To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.

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你们非常勇敢地从凶手手里夺下了那把刀。You were very brave to wrest the knife from the murderer.

那个恃强凌弱的家伙企图从比他小的男孩手中夺走皮球。The bully tried to wrest the ball from the smaller boy's hands.

那么,我们如何夺回控制权,彼此重新开始以礼相待?So how do we wrest back control and start being civil to each other again?

迄今为止,仍有许多农民在地里辛苦劳作,靠土地谋生。Until now,many peasants have to work hard to wrest a living from the soil.

请将水龙头关好之后往回拧一下。谢谢配合!Please wrest the water faucet back after turning off it. Thanks for supporting!

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巴萨尼奥央求这位学问渊博的年轻律师变通一下法律条文,救一救安东尼奥的命。Bassanio begged the learned young counselor to wrest the law a little, to save Antonio's life.

虽然他在城市守卫众的影响力还不能和贵族们硬抗。His Influence over the City Watch is unlikely to enable him to wrest control of them away from the nobles.

任何哪一个国家要想夺走中国这一发明权恐怕是很困难的。It is, the writer is afraid, very difficult for any other country to wrest the inventor's patent from China.

这说明出版商在与iPad的合作中有机会从网络零售商手中夺回电子出版物定价的话语权。That suggests publishers see in the iPad a chance to wrest back control of digital prices from the e-tailer.

有了这些要求,我们就能既保持对企业的控制又能实现全球化。With this type of programme we could wrest the process of globalisation from the control of the corporations.

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其他较小的公司也会提出自己的挑战性要求以从竞争对手手中夺取市场份额。Other smaller businesses create their own challenges in their quest to wrest market share from their competitors.

这是因为事实上他在从他侄子手上夺取皇帝宝座的时候是经过这里的。This is because he had indeed forded the river at Tianjin while on a campaign to wrest the throne from his nephew.

采用金属钛丝加IKC-WOVEN编织而成,使球拍更具有强度,韧性和抗扭性更加均匀。Adopt metal titanium silk and IKC-WOVEN, ensures rackets have strength and endurance and also equally wrest resistant.

该党承诺要重新分配收入,在开支上加大对家庭的倾斜,减少铺张浪费,且与官僚政治做斗争。It has pledged to redistribute income, spend more on households, cut waste and wrest control of policy from bureaucrats.

克诺比追上格里弗斯,跳上轮形摩托,试图从将军手里夺下摩托的控制权。Kenobi was able to keep pace with Grievous and leapt aboard the wheel bike, trying to wrest control away from the general.

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夺取一切敌人守备薄弱的城市,待条件成熟后再夺取守备强固的城市。Wrest all weakly defended cities from the enemy. Wait until conditions mature and then capture powerfully defended cities.

巨大的轰鸣声中,鹞式战机从无敌号航母的飞行甲板上升空,与阿根廷的幻影战机争夺制空权。Harrier jets roared from the flight deck of HMS Invincible to wrest control of the skies from the invaders’ Mirage fighters.

怀疑论者质疑他能否从掌控日本战后经济政策的政界要人那里夺取权力。Sceptics have also questioned his ability to wrest power from the mandarins who have dictated Japan's postwar economic policy.