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最好的周刊是经济学家。The best weekly is The Economist.

这位严厉的经济学家是谁?Who was that tough-talking economist?

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经济学家罗伯特希勒是不服气。Economist Robert Shiller is unconvinced.

马寅初是我国著名的经济学家。Ma Yinchu is a famous economist in China.

经济学家、教育家。Tao Dayong, economist and educationalist.

他引用已故美国经济学家米尔顿?He quoted the late U.S. economist Milton ?

在很多方面我都是一个典型的经济学家。In many ways I am a prototypical economist.

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经济学家、国家“,1965年,阿英俄。The Economist and the State", 1965, AER . ""

有。我们有国家地理杂志和经济学家。Yes. We have National Geographic and Economist.

李钟和是亚银代理首席经济师。Jong-Wha Lee is the ADB's acting chief economist.

最后,经济学人信仰平实的语言。Lastly, The Economist believes in plain language.

托马斯李比希是经合组织的一名经济学家。Thomas Liebig is the an economist in at the OECD.

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凯恩斯同经济学家费雪不可同年而语。Keynes was no where near the economist Fisher was.

渣打纽约银行美国经济学家戴维·西蒙说道。S. economist at Standard Chartered Bank in New York.

经济学家艾米莉·奥斯特已经发表了这个研究。This has been reported by the economist Emily Oster.

妻子曼赛尔是美国作家和经济学家。Mansell is the wife of American writer and economist.

段先生拥有理学硕士和工学博士学位,高级经济师职称。He also has a profession al title of senior economist.

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正是79-82年的滞胀,使我成为了一个笃诚的“咸水派经济学家”2。It was 79-82 that made me a convinced saltwater economist.

"该轮到德国人了,"一位接近欧洲央行的经济学家称.""It's Germany's turn," said an economist close to the ECB.

我真不明白为什么一个学经济的人对钱的事却那么糊涂。Ic an not see how an economist can be so silly about money.