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蓝色火苗意味着屁里含有甲烷。A blue flame is indicative of the presence of methane in the flatus.

他有少许日子是便秘的,但是今天仍然有排气。He had constipation for few days but still had flatus passage todays.

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美国太空总署经过认真的研究,发现屁里面含有400种成分。After earnest studies, NASA found that flatus contains 400 substances.

我从没听说过美国农业部曾有这么一位“屁研究员”。I didn't know the U.S. Department of Agriculture once had a "flatus researcher."

但用于治疗S形结肠问题的肠管对外科医生来说,也并非视觉享受啊。But the flatus tube, used to treat a condition of the sigmoid colon, is one no surgeon relishes.

此外,对于有便秘、肠胃胀气困扰者,鼻子四周也轻易冒痘痘。In addition, to having the person that constipation, flatus is perplexed, near nose risk blain easily also.

流动于文学艺术中的“气”,既非物质实体,又非抽象的概念,而是有机生命体的内在灵魂。The flatus of literature and art, different from the material and the logical conception, is associated with the very energetil of life.

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评估疼痛,肺,心脏状况,基础体重,恶露,排气,肠蠕动,腹胀,压痛,肠鸣音,切口。A. Assess pain, lungs, cardiac status, fundal height, lochia, passing of flatus , bowel movement, distension, tenderness, bowel sounds, incision.

当尿液,胀气及粪便通通排入水桶时,病患的解脱感之大可是和医生的不舒服呈正比的。The patient's sense of enormous relief when fluid, flatus and faeces are expelled into the bucket is in inverse proportion to the doctor's discomfort.

屁的学名是“肠胃胀气”或是“肠胃气胀”,不过英语里有一套令人印象深刻的生动说法来形容这种消化气体的爆发。Its scientific name is flatus or flatulence, but the English language has an impressive range of colorful terms to describe the explosive emission of digestive gas.

老公说真是个好地方,除了有阵阵风声,其他的都很知趣地装聋作哑,远离城市的灯光,漆黑的天幕都是一种诱惑。Husband says is a good place really, besides have a flatus reputation, other very sensible ground pretend to be deaf and dumb, be far from urban lamplight, inky tent is a kind of temptation.