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鼓声沉闷的响着。The drum beat dully.

我呆呆地盯着壁炉。I stare dully at the fireplace.

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迟钝地表示着同意,直到一计心生。Dully he concurs, till an idea glows.

“你何时才能结束这工作?”他没精打采地问道。"When will you finish the job?" he asked dully.

我们的历史老师枯燥地列举了一大堆日期。Our history teacher recited dully a number of dates.

鼓点沉闷地敲击着,没有人出声,也没有一只眼睛在瞧着。The drum beat dully. No voice spoke, no eye watched.

他不发一言,只呆呆地望着玻璃石。He remains silent, only looks at the glass stone dully.

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那些房屋的灯光沉闷地闪现在山边。The lights of the houses gleamed dully on the hillside.

他只是呆呆地望著大海,轻声地骂几句。He simply looked at the sea dully and swore in an undertone.

与其平平淡淡地过一生,不如投入地爱一次,哪怕是短暂的一小时。One hour of right-down love is worth an age of dully living on.

所以,不要让她把这15秒花在无聊地等待中。Do not let her to spend these 15 seconds just dully waiting for you.

如今在我屈指敲来发出沉闷回响的氧化钢里,就是这段历史的铁证。Here was the hard evidence in oxidizing steel that rang dully under my knuckles.

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“我不能想!”我哭喊道。“我是个大傻瓜。”我呆呆地盯着壁炉。"I can't think!" I wail. "I'm the stupid pretty one." I stare dully at the fireplace.

她察觉到我注视的目光,抬起头来。“这一定意味着什么。”她含糊不清地说。She was aware of me watching her and glanced up. 'It must mean something, ' she said dully.

临死前,他已不能说话了,只是呆滞地望着儿子,眼神里满含着愧疚和怜惜。Before he died, he was unable to speak but he looked at his son dully with both eyes filled with regret and pity.

我行确认凡符合信用证条款的汇票被提示时及时予以承对冬并于到期日及时付款。We hereby confirm that payment will be dully made against documents presented in conformity with the terms of this credit.

茫然不知究竟该怎么办,因为她在西雅图和英格兰都有可观的存款。I wondered dully what on earth I ought to do about her bank books, for she had considerable sums of money in Seattle and in England.

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他一个人呆呆地坐在餐馆的桌前。望着窗外美丽的城市,内心的感觉告诉他,他是一个最滑稽的失败者。He sat dully in front of the table, with the thought that he was the most ridiculous defeater in this beautiful city filling his mind.

我捧着一杯热水,坐在床沿上,静静地望着地板,眼神仿佛凝固了。I was hold a cup of hot water and sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the floor silently with my eyes dully fixed for some five minutes.

那老女人徘徊观望了一回,忽然手脚有些发抖,跄跄踉踉退下几步,瞪着眼只是发怔。The old woman walked and looked around, hands and legs shaking. Then she staggered a few steps backward with her eyes staring at something dully.