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属于、关于速记,或利用速记。Of or relating to or employing stenography.

速记是秘书工作中重要的一项。Stenography is an essential part of secretarial work.

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请告诉我们有关他们速记和打字的能力。注意,注意力集中。Please give me information on their shorthand, stenography , and typing abilities.

古泽博士在他的一生中主要从事速记。Throughout his entire life, Dr. Gutzler had maintained close ties with stenography.

这工作需要会速记和打字,她不久便学会了。This job necessitated a knowledge of stenography and typewriting, which she soon acquired.

你愿意接受打字和速记的测试吗?Your typing and stenography are pretty good. Would you be interested in applying for the job?

你打字和速记的技术都非常好,你有兴趣申请这份工作吗?Your typing and stenography are pretty good. Would you be interested in applying for the job?

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亚伟速录课程的训练内容是随着社会形势的变化而不断变化的。However, the training content of Yawei Stenography changes with the social situation changing.

中文摘要如何提升伪装影像品质与增加嵌入量一直是资讯隐藏探讨的重要课题。An important topic of stenography is, without question, how to enhance stego image quality and increase capacity.

近80年来,唐亚伟一直坚持着同样的梦想,因为他始终认为“速记在记录历史的过程中仍然扮演着十分重要的角色。”Nearly 80 years later, Tang said he shares the same dream because "stenography still plays a key role in recording history".

她并不太精通速记,就像是刚刚走出商学院速记专业的毕业学生,来闯荡世界。She knew no more shorthand than if she had been a graduate in stenography just let slip upon the world by a business college.

当唐亚伟在30年代发明亚伟速记时,他就希望“将来在中国,速记会是一个蓬勃发展的行业。”Tang said when he invented Yawei shorthand in the 1930s, he hoped "stenography would someday become a booming industry in China".

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资讯加密将明文变成密文资讯隐藏将资料隐藏在某种载体中。Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext into ciphertext while stenography hides the message in covers to transmission.

信息加密将明文变成密文,信息隐藏将数据隐藏在某种载体中。Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext into ciphertext, while stenography hides the message in covers to transmission.

各高职类院校看到速录广阔的就业前景,纷纷开设了亚伟速录技能课程。然而。Having seen the vast employment prospects of the Stenography, the vocational colleges have opened Yawei Stenography Skills courses.

在我所期间,她担任过打字、簿记和速写工作,表现让人十分满意,值得信赖。During her stay in our firm, she did the work of typist, bookkeeping, and stenography and proved herself highly satisfactory and trustworthy.

正如我刚才所说,我已经收到一些打字训练,速记除了我操作一般的办公设备,比如传真机,影印机,微机,太好了。As I have said, I have received some training in typing, stenography besides I am good at operating common office machines, such as fax machine, photocopy machine and microcomputer.

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我修了秘书原理、办公管理、商务、公共关系学、礼仪学、心理学、计算机编程、打字、速记和档案管理。I've taken such courses as secretarial principles, office ad-ministration, business English, public relations, etiquette , psychology, computer programming, typing, stenography , and file-keeping.