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该程序将然后计算并显示密文。The program will then calculate and display the ciphertext.

并在随机谕示模型下,证明了方案具有选择密文安全性。The scheme has adaptively chosen ciphertext security in the random oracle model.

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密文的大小是一个常量,并且与环的大小无关。The size of the ciphertext was a constant and independent of the size of the ring.

提出两个抗选择密文攻击的门限密码系统。Two threshold cryptosystems secure against chosen ciphertext attacks are proposed.

伊芙也知道鲍伯的公钥,但是没关系,因为公钥无法用来解开密文。It does not matter that Eve also knows Bob's PK because she cannot use it to decrypt the ciphertext.

然后,攻击者可以通过与参与方的交互,获得该密文的明文信息。Then, the attacker can interact with the participator, and get back the plain-text of the ciphertext.

反过来,解密则是将密码文件重新转变成其原始文件形式的方法。Decryption is the process of converting ciphertext back into its original format, sometimes called plaintext.

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接着,接收应用程序一接收到消息就对其解密,将它从密文转换回明文。The receiving application then decrypts the message upon receipt, converting from ciphertext back to plain text.

但是,在开放的网络环境中,攻击者还可以向网络中注入信息,而这种信息可能是一些加密的密文。But, in the open network, the attacker can also send some message, which may be some ciphertext chosen adaptively.

一种分析攻击,其中密码分析者占有相当数量对应的明文与密文。An analytical attack in which a cryptanalyst possesses a substantial quantity of corresponding plaintext and ciphertext.

资讯加密将明文变成密文资讯隐藏将资料隐藏在某种载体中。Encryption is the process of transforming plaintext into ciphertext while stenography hides the message in covers to transmission.

这类数字签名方法,不仅有足够高的安全性,而且还具有纠、检错和防篡改签名的能力。Not only this cryptosystem can sign for message being transmitted, but also can detect and correct errors in the received ciphertext.

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该方案被认为是抗适应性选择密文攻击的实用方案之一,但缺乏严格的安全性证明。This scheme is regarded as one of practical schemes against adaptively chosen ciphertext attacks, but it is absent of rigorous proofs.

如果有完整的明文和对应的密文可是实现破译功能,即得出加密密钥。If there is an express integrity and the corresponding ciphertext But achieving deciphering function, which is derived encryption keys.

一种分析攻击,其中密码分析者能提交数目不限的明文报文,并考查对应的密文。An analytical attack in which a cryptanalyst can submit an unlimited number of plaintext messages and examine the corresponding ciphertext.

解密过程采用数字方法,利用相位恢复迭代算法即可由密文和密钥恢复原始图像。Decryption process uses digital method. The original image can be retrieved from the ciphertext and security keys by means of phase retrieval algorithm.

为了保护信息免遭窃听,应用程序必须在发送信息前先对其加密,将它从明文转换为无法读懂的密文。To protect against eavesdropping, an application must encrypt the information before sending it, converting it from plain text to unreadable ciphertext.

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函数返回的字符串可能包含二进制字符,所以可能返回包含系统定界字符的密文,而这个定界字符之前是不存在的。Function could potentially contain any binary character, it is possible to return a ciphertext containing a system delimiter where one did not previously exist.

现在,如果你有一些消息,那么你只需要将该消息的字节翻译成一个数“M”,若要对这个消息进行“加密”形成“密文”的话,你就这么计算Now, if you have some message, you just need to interpret its bytes as a number "M." If you want to "encrypt" a message to create a "ciphertext", you'd calculate

又譬如「鲍伯」是一个安全性网站,伊芙或许能精心选择一段毫无意义的文字来取代密文并传给它,然后从它的回应中寻找密钥的蛛丝马迹。Or if "Bob" is a secure Web server, Eve might send it carefully chosen gibberish in place of ciphertext and, from its responses, learn clues about its secret key.