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但是木琴却是如此让人着迷。But the marimba was so intriguing.

梦游是个有趣的现象。Sleepwalking is an intriguing phenomenon.

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这是长崎市历史上非常引人注目的时刻。It is an intriguing moment in Nagasaki’s history.

这篇散文似乎信手拈来,但却耐人寻味。The essay seems to come in handy, but intriguing.

柳宗元在柳州时期的情感是错综复杂的。Liu Zongyuan's feelings was intriguing in Liuzhou.

日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon.

第三种方向,虽然是一种最耍手段的一种手段。The third approach, though, is the most intriguing.

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继续向南行驶,你会发现一个十分有趣的路点。Continuing south, you'll find an intriguing waypoint.

洛基为这种追求提供了一个耐人寻味的设置。Loki provides an intriguing setting for this pursuit.

这个过程的第二步是最有趣的。The second step of this process is the most intriguing.

一个有趣的方面是这些符号可能用作欺骗。One intriguing aspect is their possible use in deception.

一个人的未来就被这种让人琢磨不透的体系决定了。A person's future is determined by this intriguing system.

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火星上可能有安山岩存在,这很值得玩味。The possible existence of andesites on Mars is intriguing.

莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥做了两项背对背的引人入胜的梦幻工程。Leonardo DiCaprio made two intriguing dream projects back to back.

但是数字尾迹被有兴趣查证的碎片搞乱了。But the digital trail is littered with intriguing bits of evidence.

在列王纪下第七章,我们发现一个有关撒马里亚城被围攻的有趣故事。In 2 Kings 7 we find an intriguing story about Samaria under siege.

Kish的基于噪音的逻辑系统设计带来了另一个引人的前景。Kish's noise-based logic scheme raises another intriguing prospect.

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让我提出另一个有趣的可能性。Let me mention one other possibility,because it's quite intriguing.

这让射手座的女人又迷人又有趣。This makes the Sagittarius woman intriguing as well as interesting.

不过这次失败提供了一个关于中东的有趣分析。But this failure provides an intriguing analysis of the Middle East.