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在那热狂的陡峭边缘。On the precipitous edge of fever.

古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。Mount Tai looked more precipitous.

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某一地方相当是险峻的。Some places were very precipitous.

古老的泰山越发显得崔嵬了。Hoary Mount Tai looked more precipitous.

我们向著陡峭山顶攀登。We have a precipitous climb to the peak.

山之险峻,宁有逾此?Could there be a mountain more precipitous than this?

这里的却没有,可能跟山坡太陡有关系吧!We guess it is because the hillside is too precipitous.

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高处绝壁如削,陡峭险峻。The high place precipice like truncates, steep precipitous.

昆嵛山在高和险峻地形里起伏不断。Mountain Kunyu ranges rise and fall, with high and precipitous terrain.

天都峰是黄山最陡峭的山峰。Heavenly Capital, you know, is the most precipitous peak of Mount Huangshan.

金佛山主峰高2251米,山势陡峭,气象万千。The main peak of the Jinfo Mountain is 2251 meters high, precipitous and spectacular.

全球小麦多样性的急剧丧失便是引发忧虑的一个原因。The precipitous loss of the world's wheat diversity is a particular cause for concern.

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我知道,我脚下的路不会是一马平川的坦途,前方等待着我的还有数不清的荆棘与险峰。I know that the road up ahead is not smooth, with numerous brambles and precipitous peaks.

自2008年初始,民众对所有主要机构的信任以有史以来最急剧的程度下降。The drop in trust toward all major institutions has been most precipitous since the start of 2008.

科学家预计,冰盖急速缩小的速度远远超过其他气候类型变化速度。Such precipitous loss of ice cover far outpaces anything climate models or scientists have predicted.

资深汽车新闻记者保罗•爱森斯坦分析了丰田公司的兴起和急剧衰落。The veteran US motor journalist, Paul Eisenstein reflects on the rise and precipitous fall of Toyota.

上天梯较为险陡,请不要在攀登的过程中跑跳打逗。The Heavenly Ladder is rather steep and precipitous. Please don't run, jump, and fight playfully during the climbing.

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莲花水电站引水系统进水口后边坡山高陡峭,地质条件复杂。The side slope behind the water intake of water diversion system in Lianhua water power station is high and precipitous.

要坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨势头,满意人民群众的基本住房需求。We will resolutely curb the precipitous rise of housing prices in some cities and satisfy people's basic need for housing.

西南岛九州虽然受核辐射影响非常小,但其游客的数量也是显著下降。Southwest island Kyushu while less exposed to the nuclear radiation still saw a precipitous drop in the number of visitors.