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我是个勇敢的寻宝人。I'm a brave worker.

我是个脑力劳动者。I am a mental worker.

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屈畅是一个工人。Qu Chang is a worker.

他是一位退休工人。He is a retired worker.

罗达是农场里的工人。Rhoda is a farm worker.

他是个下岗工人。He is a laid-off worker.

他说他是工人。He says. He is a worker.

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她工作很有条理。She is a methodical worker.

他是这里最糟糕的工人。He is the worst worker here.

我传讲风闻他是一个工人。I heard that he is a worker.

她是一个医生还是一个工人?Is she a doctor or a worker?

工人给瓷器上釉。The worker glazed the china.

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在剧中,他出演一位船工。He played a riverboat worker.

而且她也很刻苦用功。and she's a very hard worker.

程磊过去是一位工人。Cheng Lei used to be a worker.

那如果工人是机器人怎么办?What if the worker is a robot?

劳动者是谁,劳动是什么Who's a worker? What is labor?

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他已经成为一名熟练的工人。He has become a skilled worker.

我知道她做起事来是一把好手。I know her to be a good worker.

你是快如闪电工人吗?Are you a lightning fast worker?