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他不赞成我的建议。He regarded my suggestions with disfavour.

这位大臣招致国王的冷遇。The minister incurred the king's disfavour.

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玛丽似乎不喜欢约翰。Mary seems to look upon John with disfavour.

约翰似乎已经失去玛丽的欢心。John seems to have fallen into disfavour with Mary.

皇后不久失宠。被处死了。Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.

路易丝引起哈代家的姑娘玛丽与哈丽特的不满。Louise won the disfavour of the two Hardy girls Mary and Harriet.

以生意为名的赌博业,却以严峻的恶意观望著那以赌博为名的一般生意。The gambling know as business looks with austere disfavour upon the business know as gambling.

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以生意为名的赌博业,却以严峻的恶意观望著那以赌博为名的一般生意。The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavour upon the business known as gambling.

对于特定的协会任何分数的有利和不利通过与其它裁判员的评分比较就可以判断出来。Any favour or disfavour in the marks given to particular federations, when compared to other judges, is also considered.

这种公告也许是在“特别民会”中执行的“遗命”的附带条件之一,这就使它不为一般人所欢迎。This publicity may have been one of the incidents of the Testament executed in the Comitia Calata which brought it into popular disfavour.