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在高高的山顶有一块被杜松和矮松覆盖的平地。The high, flat mountaintop is covered with many green juniper and pinon pine trees.

沿路都是杜松和矮松,这些树让梅沙而第绿意盎然。Also along the path are the juniper and pinon pine trees that make Mesa Verde green.

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我们印第安人喜欢倾听那清风拂水的声音,喜欢那正午雨后清爽的微风,或带着松香的清风的气息。The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind itself, cleansed by a midday rain, or scented with pinon pine.

皮农先生认为如果华盛顿什么时候决定和古巴领导层发展关系,这将会成为一个好消息。Piñon argued, which would be good news for Washington if and when it opted to engage with the Cuban leadership.

这高高而又平坦的山顶上面覆盖着刺柏和松树,它看起来就像一个巨大的绿色的平台,这在西班牙语中就是“绿色台地”的意思。The high, flat mountaintop is covered with many green juniper and pinon pine trees. It looks like a huge green table, which is "mesa verde" in Spanish.

我们印第安人喜欢倾听那清风拂水的声音,喜欢那正午雨后清爽的微风,或带着松香的清风的气息。The indian prefers the soft sound of the wind darting over the face of a pond, and the smell of the wind itself, cleansed by a midday tain, or scented with pinon pine.

沿路的标志标明普韦布洛祖先所用的树木和植物,同样,沿路的刺柏和松树使得梅萨维德保持绿意葱葱。Signs along the path point to trees and plants used by the Ancestral Puebloan people. Also along the path are the juniper and pinon pine trees that make Mesa Verde green.

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印地安人喜爱疾风吹过湖面的轻响,以及风自身的味道,或被午间的阵雨洗润或被矮松熏香。The Indian prefers the soft sound of the wind darting over the face of the pond, and the smell of the wind itself, cleansed by a midday rain, or scented with the pinon pine.

阿莫科石油公司的乔治.皮尼翁还指出,委内瑞拉不太可能会真的进一步削减对美国的石油出口,因为委内瑞拉依赖美国的消费者,也依赖美国的炼油厂来加工其原油。Pinon adds that Venezuela is unlikely to carry out threats of further cuts of exports to the U.S. because it relies on American customers and refineries to process its heavy crude.

皮农先生引用莱斯大学的一个研究说,古巴的能源需求将会增加近一倍—从1998年的每日179,000桶增加到2015年的349,000—只要市场经济出现在这座岛上。Mr. Piñon cited a study from Rice University saying Cuba's energy needs would nearly double — to 349,000 barrels in 2015 from 179,000 per day in 1998 — if a market economy ever arrived on the island.