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他甩着袖子去追两个女孩,那滑稽的模样活像蝙蝠。He flapped after the girls, looking ludicrously bat-like.

有一些人甚至花可笑地长时间去重新做任务,去追逐一个只有他们可以想到的理想状态。Some put in ludicrously long hours redoing tasks, chasing an ideal only they could see.

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书目多得令人匪夷所思,这可能预示一股新的庞大现金流。There's a ludicrously large backlist in books and this could mean a massive new revenue stream.

往常一大早牢骚满腹,喝咖啡前总发表意见,这次看来话是走了板儿了。Like so many other grouchy early morning, pre-coffee utterances I make, this one was ludicrously off-key.

那些人穷其一生向太空发射各种贵得离谱的物体,很多最终不知去向。These guys spend their lives blasting ludicrously expensive objects into space, and a good number of them get lost.

在选定地点演奏完一首歌曲,游戏会奖励你几个歌迷和少得可怜的游戏货币。Finish a song at a chosen venue and the game gives you an unlikely number of fans and a ludicrously small amount of money.

现在回想起来,尽管这样的解决方法有些可笑,但那段和父亲亲密无间的日子,却让我难以忘怀。I recall them as both a lovely warm memory of close moments with my father and as a ludicrously dated solution to my anxiety.

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相比免费的电能,矿物燃料将被视为可笑的昂贵而肮脏能源,因此炭排放量将骤降。Compared with free electrons, fossil fuels would be seen as ludicrously expensive and dirty, and so carbon emissions would plummet.

这里如此荒唐和缺少基本人性,以至于玩家每次察觉到哪怕一丝现实生活的迹象,都会如同发现了宝藏一样兴奋。It's a world so ludicrously devoid of basic humanity that the player begins to feel he's discovered a treasure every time he spots a hidden sign of real life.

普京怒斥他的反对者拿外国人的钱,还指责西方大张旗鼓地干涉选举,更可笑的是,他还因欧洲安合组织拒绝派观察员而指责美国,宣称这是一场阴谋,意在贬低选票的信度。Even more ludicrously , this week he blamed the Americans for the OSCE's decision not to send election monitors, claiming that it was a plot to discredit the poll.

乐观者指出最坏时刻已经过去,复杂得荒唐的证券化产品双层担保债务权证和三层担保债务权证已经成为过去。Optimists point out that some of the worst excesses of the market have already gone. Ludicrously complex securitised products, the CDO-squareds and -cubeds, have gone forever.