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中心分类页面则由VL委员会维护。The central Catalog pages are maintained by the Council of the VL.

VL的主要事务现由经过选举产生的委员会进行协调处理。The central affairs of the VL are now co-ordinated by an elected council.

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编目馆长是不会介入虚拟图书馆的外界网站的附加部分的。The Catalog curator is not involved in the addition of external sites to the VL.

他们很有可能已经得到了可随时更新的选择性权力。They have, more than likely, also got VL with SA so could choose to upgrade anytime.

目的获取系列鼠抗人CD分子单抗的轻链及重链可变区基因并进行克隆和测序。Objective To obtain the VH and VL variable region genes of murine McAbs to human CD molecule.

利用同源蛋白结构模建技术,采用计算机辅助分子设计系统模建VL的三维空间结构。The three dimensional structure of VL was also modeled by computer homology modeling techniques.

给丘脑VL核注射HRP后,同侧的苍白球内侧部,可发现标记神经元,证明苍白球——丘脑通路存在。In the medial part of the ipsilateral pallidus, labeled neurons could be found after the injection of HRP into VL.

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消灭病犬、治疗病人和在疫点用杀虫剂滞留喷洒能有效控制VL流行。VL could be effectively controlled by combination of dog elimination, patient treatment and focal residual spraying with insecticide.

VL为输出直流开环增益测量的最小电压,VOL为输出所能达到的绝对电压最小值。VL is the minimum voltage level at the output in the dc-open-loop-gain measurement, and VOL is the absolute minimum voltage level that the output can reach.

刚出生的亚历山大被带去威斯敏斯特教堂,受洗于塞尔维亚加夫里略主教,英国时任国王乔治六世和伊丽莎白公主也在场。The newborn was taken to Westminster Abbey, where he was baptised by Patriarch Gavrilo of Serbia, with Britain's King George Vl and Princess Elizabeth in attendance.