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男修道院院长又高又瘦。The abbe was very tall and thin.

神父耐心地听他讲。The abbe listened to him patiently.

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“请给我拿一瓶水来。”教士说道。Bring me a carafe of water, " said the abbé."

神甫问道。信了吧,我知道我在说些什么。Asked the abbé. Depend upon it, I know what I say.

交叉唇瓣是一个首选的方法。The best method for lip reconstruction is Abbé lip flap.

教士一手接过钱袋,一手把钻石交给了卡德鲁斯。The abbé took it, and in return gave Caderousse the diamond.

原子力测头的布置在X、Y方向无阿贝误差。The AFM head is mounted without Abbe error in the X and Y directions.

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神甫就势倒在爱德蒙的床上休息,而爱德蒙仍然站着。The abbé sank upon Edmond's bed. while Edmond himself remained standing.

您既是神甫,我就得和您说,从前在我们牢里有个布道神甫。Since you are an abbe , I will tell you that we had a chaplain in the galleys.

西伽尔教士在给聋哑的马西欧的一封信里谈到过散普丽斯姆姆。The Abbe Sicard speaks of Sister Simplice in a letter to the deaf-mute Massieu.

神甫使他嗅小瓶里的药水,于是他又张开眼睛。The abbé made him smell the contents of the phial , and he again opened his eyes.

他说道,心里指的是他在一次晚会上见过面的那个神父。But he must be a freemason, " he said, meaning the abbé he had seen that evening."

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“阿林加洛沙主教打电话要我帮忙,”修道院院长声音紧张地告诉她说。"Bishop Aringarosa called to ask me a favor, " the abbé told her, his voice nervous.

1903年,阿贝由于健康问题退出管理层。In 1903 Ernst Abbe retires from the management, handicapped by severe health problems.

介绍了二元光学器件的阿贝数和相对色散与普通光学玻璃的差别。BOL devices and ordinary optical glass have different Abbe number and relative aberration.

在这段,公司获取了高级CBBE,当神父的水平低时。In this segment, companies have acquired high level of CBBE while the level of ABBE is low.

在伯尔尼神甫祭过的那两株栗树间,系着一个大秋千网,他们使劲荡了一回。They had stoutly shaken the swing attached to the two chestnut-trees celebrated by the Abbe de Bernis.

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玛利亚在1781年过世,但一直要到1791年比谷神父才在她的坟墓上立一块碑。Marie died in 1781, but it wasn’t until 1791 that Abbè Bigou erected a headstone and marker over her remains.

如果你用咖啡和奶油争取修道院院长莫尔莱为你说好话,那你也许已经成功了。If you had gained over the Abbe Moreelet with coffee and cream to speak for you, perhaps you would have succeed.

蔡司和阿贝都依赖肖特的进展来促进蔡司公司产品的改进和提升。Zeiss and Abbe relied on Schott for advances that would make Zeiss product development and improvements possible.