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满足你的渴望。Satisfy your craving.

那就让他过把瘾吧。Let him satisfy his whims.

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这令我很不满意。Lesson 364 I doesn't satisfy me.

裘诺斯伯爵似乎对此很满意。That seemed to satisfy Lord Jonos.

人不用俱备任何的条件。They have no condition to satisfy.

对于观看萤幕你满不满意?。Do you satisfy from viewing screen?

我将千方百计满足你的需求。I will study to satisfy your needs.

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对于现有灯光设计你满不满意?。Do you satisfy the lighting design ?

你满意九巴的路线选择吗?。Are you satisfy on the KMB Bus Route?

你满意九巴的推广活动吗?。Are you satisfy on the KMB promotions?

喝杯啤酒可为你止渴。A cup of beer will satisfy your thirst.

你对目前使用的多士炉满意吗?Do you satisfy with the present toaster?

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有求必应是不可能的。It is impossible to satisfy all demands.

你必须满足租凭合约所要求的条款内容。You must satisfy the terms of your lease.

满足您对的惊奇创造的渴望…We Create Suprises to Satisfy Your Desire!

你满意九巴的配套设施吗?。Are you satisfy on the other KMB facilities?

对于整体上教堂灯光你满不满意?。Do you satisfy the visual comfort in overall?

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仅仅是为了纯正的"自由市场"理想?Just to satisfy a purist "free market" ideal?

对于楼梯的光线强度你满不满意?。Do you satisfy the lighting level for staircase?

不管你觉得多恶心,也尽量满足他。Satisfy him no matter how much he nauseates you.