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搂一搂,抱一抱,蹭一蹭。Cuddle, hug, and nuzzle.

那只动物轻微哼着,低头轻轻地蹭她。The animal snorted softly and bent its head to nuzzle her.

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河马似乎满意的用鼻子擦旁边的相互的。The hippos seemed content to nuzzle alongside one another.

塞奇威克国家公园里,两只墨西哥灰狼互相用鼻子爱抚。Two Mexican gray wolves nuzzle each other in the Sedgwick County Zoo.

大比尔还把头低下来用鼻子蹭了蹭Livia的脸,这让Livia很高兴。Big Bill lowered his head to nuzzle Livia's cheek, much to her delight.

而金正日也不会驯服地躺在中国的卵翼之下,尽管他儿子可能会这么做。Nor will Mr Kim nuzzle docile under China's wing, though his son might.

我真得很想感觉温暖的阳光和自由奔跑,和我的家人一起玩儿…昨天晚上最为难受。I just want to feel the warm sunshine and run, and play and nuzzle with my family.

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如果有谁在某一天倒了霉,保持安静,轻轻地挨着,然后用鼻子轻柔地抚慰他。When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

还有一只在给人提起来的时候,总是踢动四蹄想要逃开,而另一只的鼻子则挨进人的怀抱。Another always thrashes its trotters to get away when it is picked up, whereas the others nuzzle into a human embrace.

这群企鹅让新生雏鸟栖息在自己的脚上,它们用鼻子亲切地蹭着小宝宝们给它们予以庇护,其它的父母去觅食。The birds allow their newborn chicks to perch on their feet and nuzzle under their bodies to shelter while the other parent forages for food.

那完美的颈部曲线,在和配偶互相爱抚着对方时形成的完美的心状,谁不会为对方厮守一生呢?That unmistakable curve to their necks that forms a perfect heart when they nuzzle with their mate, who they will stay with for the rest of their lives.

当事情显得暗淡,或即使你只是想在一天的中途能有一个友善的依偎,马提供给人类召唤马物种的机会。Horse offers to humanity the opportunity to call upon the horse species when things look bleak or even if you want a friendly nuzzle in the middle of the day.

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吃东西的时候,小白总是会把整个小脑袋埋进碗里,一边拱着碗一边还绕圈。Small white always is able to nuzzle the entire small head into bowl lining when eating something, is bent at the same time the bowl circles times at the same time.

无论是在你或你爱的人感觉难过的时候,或者你想帮助他人放松心情的时候,搂一搂,抱一抱,效果肯定不错。Whether it's because you or someone you love had a hard day, or because you're just keen to help another person relax, a good cuddle, hug, or nuzzle will always come in handy.

介绍了重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂生产低碳低硅钢的脱氧工艺,对连铸过程中水口结瘤的原因进行分析,并提出了优化措施。The deoxidation process of low-carbon and low-silicon steel in steel plant of Chongqing Steel was introduced. The nuzzle clogging was analyzed and some measures were put forward.

这位前克格勃特工将头低下,微闭双眼,轻柔抚摸他穿越西伯利亚荒野所骑的马儿。In the photos, the former KGB man looks truly one with nature as he closes his eyes and lowers his head to gently nuzzle the horse he had just been riding across the Siberian wilderness.

今天我喝咖啡时,我的猫跑来卖萌,想用鼻子蹭我,结果一头撞在我嘴边的咖啡杯上。Today, while I was drinking coffee, my cat decided that since she's the queen bee, she deserved some attention. She went to nuzzle me, but instead, headbutted my coffee cup just as I was taking a sip.