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最后,就是这个经常被误解的“同志型口齿不清”。Finally, there is the much-misdescribed "gay lisp".

这个Lisp的变种类似圆弧,被认为是稳定的。This lisp dialect is similar to Arc and is considered stable.

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在那个动画片每集开始的时候,“魔鬼之子”都是一个善良而口齿不清的天使。The DevilChild starts each episode as a kindly angel with a lisp.

我爱Lisp,但是Lisp当然,是属于在类型检查比较弱的语言一类。I love Lisp, but Lisp is certainly in the category of a very weakly typed language.

本文提出一个机群组织、数据驱动LISP机的系统结构方案。This paper presents a data-driven LISP machine architecture with cluster structure.

Reddit最初是用Lisp开发的,上线时只有一台服务器。Reddit was originally coded using Lisp and launched on just a single server, he says.

本文介绍一台智能机LISP机LISP-M1中的表处理器LP的体系结构。This paper presents the architecture of a list processor LP in a Lisp machine LISP-M1.

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本文介绍LISP语言在计算机非数值处理中的一些应用实例。The artical introduces some actual cases of LISP language in computer non-numeric processing.

好处在于我通过社区获得了许多有价值的反馈,而坏处则是让我认识到了并没有人愿意再使用另一种LISP语言。Good as I received a lot of feedback from the community, bad as I realized no-one wanted another LISP dialect.

美甲师会口齿不清地柔声说道,你的左手食指让她想起一位来自弗吉尼亚州里士满市的绅士。Your manicure will lisp softly that your left forefinger reminds her so much of a gentleman's in Richmond, Va.

这会指向元素的值,然后对内存进行切分,关于这种技术有个问题,顺路说下。Here's the problem with that technique, and by the way, a number of programming languages use this, including Lisp.

一旦他说话时口齿不清了,他会被叫作小婴儿,而当以小大人的口吻回答时,他又会被指无礼。If he talks with a childish lisp he is called a baby, and if he answers in a grown-up way he is called impertinent.

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目前的多项式处理系统均采用表加工语言LISP或科学计算语言FORTRAN等,在一般串行机上实现。At present nearly all systems of polynomial manipulation are written by LISP or FORTRAN, and run on a serial computer.

我很偶然的,而且John也会常常拿这个来激怒我,我是一个怀旧的Lisp编程者,而那就是我怎么接受训练的。I happen to be, and John teases me about this regularly, I'm an old-time Lisp programmer, and that's how I was trained.

很多编程语言包括,都是用了这种技术,这个问题就是,当数组很大的时候?Lisp The problem with that technique, while it's very general, is how long does it take me to find the i'th element of the list?

一个人到公司来办事,认为我是在故意学他口齿不清说话就大吵了起来,后来还打电话投诉我。A guy came into my work and thought I was making fun of his lisp and stormed out really upset. He later called to complain about me.

本文介绍了基于二部复图匹配原理,用LISP语言编制的课表编排系统一TISER。A timetable scheduling system TISER, which is programmed by LISP and based on the principle of bi-multigraph matching, is presented.

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宏比普通的Lisp程序难写,不该用的时候用就是画蛇添足。Macros are harder to write than ordinary Lisp functions, and it's considered to be bad style to use them when they're not necessary.

我们不向媒体说,如果你在网站上搜,也就只能找到我简历里提到的两本书。We never mentioned it to the press, and if you searched for Lisp on our Web site, all you'd find were the titles of two books in my bio.

现在,你会听到我和,来回的讲好多次,好吧我当然是个老学究,但是我也是一个老lisp程序员。John Now, you're going to hear John and I go back and forth a lot, well I'm certainly old time, but I'm also an old time Lisp programmer.